It was a Friday afternoon in the office, so work was winding down toward the…
One Time Hall Pass Turns into Affair Part 2
Fast forward 3 years:
I got a job at a large aircraft company in the Midwest, so we moved to a new city.
We had a nice condo, with a community pool. We shared a parking lot, with a large apartment complex.
My job payed enough, that Bobbie no longer had to work. That gave her a lot of free time. Also it meant saving the expense of a babysitter in the summer.
One day, Bobbie, the kids and I were at the pool. Soon 2 kids about the same age as ours, came through the gate. Followed by a man, about 6′ 2″, swimmers build, and a face that looks like he walked out of a fashion magazine. I looked at Bobbie, and she was just staring at him.
The kids jumped in the pool, and the man came over to introduce himself. Hello, I’m Gary. Those are my two kids. He stuck out his hand. I took his hand and said, hello, I’m Kevin, and this is my wife Bobbie.
He said, we just moved here and still didn’t know anyone, so it’s nice to meet a friendly face.
Where are ya’ll from I asked? Oklahoma. He said. I came up here for the work at Boeing.
I asked him if his wife was coming over, and he just kinda frowned and said I’m divorced.
Oh! Sorry I said. It must be tough being a single father with a full time job. Bobbie doesn’t work, so it’s perfect for us. Have you found a sitter yet?
No, he said. Do you have any suggestions? I would love to find someone close by, but I guess I cant be too picky.
I suggested that he check the bulletin board in his rental office.
Been there, and done that. Nothing
Well, we have to go to go to dinner. Good luck finding a sitter.
Bobbie gathered the stuff and started walking back to our condo. I couldn’t help but notice, Rick watching Bobbie’s ass very closely as she walked away. I chuckled to myself and thought if he only knew how good she looked naked.
About a week later, I was relaxing, watching football, while Bobbie and the kids were at the pool.
After about 3 hours later, I heard them come in.
How was the game she asked? We lost again. Imagine that I said laughing.
How was the pool? Was it crowded?
No, she said. Gary and his kids were there, and a couple more people.
How is Gary doing I asked?
Good I guess she said. I do feel sorry for him, not having anyone to help with his kids. He doesn’t even have any family here.
Has he found a sitter yet I asked?
Yes, but they are all the way on the other side of town.
I asked, why don’t you offer to keep them? They would be close to home, and our kids would have someone to play with. Besides, you could earn a little extra money.
I never thought about that, she said, but you’re right. I’ll ask him the next time I see him.
Well, Gary was thrilled to get Bobbie to sit for him. He became a regular around our house. He was there every day to pick up his kids, and would always sit for a while.
Gary turned out to be a very nice guy, who is very polite and respectful.
He and Bobbie became good friends.
One day when Gary left, I asked Bobbie, you know that he has the hots for you, don’t you?
Oh, you’re crazy she said laughing. He has never said anything out of line or flirty. Why would you say that? I said from the way he looks at you when he doesn’t know I’m watching. He has lust in his eyes I said laughing.
Oh, you’re just imagining things. He has never acted or said anything out of line.
I said, that’s because Gary is a true gentleman. He has respect for both of us. He would never say anything to you. But his eyes tell the truth. And to be honest, so do yours.
What the hell does that mean she said glairing at me through squinted eyes. We will finish this discussion later.
Well, that night in bed, she turned to me and said; What did you mean by seeing something in my eyes?
I said, I see the way you look at him. I’ve seen you look at his butt. You have the hots for him. Don’t deny it, I said laughing.
(Now one thing about Mary, is her honesty. She is honest to a fault. She is horrible at hiding anything. It comes from her Southern Baptist upbringing. I have NEVER known her to lie about anything).
Her eyes dropped, and she got this sad look on her angelic face. I cant deny that I have wondered what he looks like naked.
What else, I asked?
She paused, and said in almost a whisper…How long his thingy is. Some women at the pool said it was probably big, because he has big hands. Have you ever heard of that?
I started laughing, and said, that is just an old wives tale. The size of a man doesn’t necessarily correlate to his penis. Look at me. If that were true, I would have a small penis. (I am 5′ 9″ 150 lbs.)
Do you think I have a small penis, still laughing?
I don’t know she said. The only other ones I’ve seen were in that movie you rented. And compared to those guys, you are pretty small.
I laughed again, and said “compared to those guys, a horses cock is small”. They are not average.
So… If big hands doesn’t mean they are big down there? How can you tell?
Well, you could always ask to see it, I jokingly said.
She sat up and said, I’m serious.
Really dear, there is no way of knowing a mans penis size without looking at it. Now can we go to sleep. I have to work tomorrow.
A couple of weeks later, we had just finished an incredible round of sex. I said, you were very amorous tonight. What does that mean she asked? It means you got into the sex more than usual. Is there some reason for that? Were you thinking about someone else, I jokingly asked.
She got defensive, and said why would you ask that?
I said calm down. It is perfectly normal if you did. It doesn’t bother me in the least bit. OK?
So were you thinking about someone else?
She looked at me and said I guess a little. Who I asked?
It was Gary. When you were doing me from behind, I imagined it was Gary. Does that make me bad?
No! It makes you perfectly normal. Why wouldn’t any woman fantasize about him? You have to admit, he is a hunk I said laughing.
She smiled and said yes he is. All the women at the pool think so. A few of them have tried to pick him up. But he has not been with any of them to my knowledge. If they had, I’m sure they would brag about it. I don’t think he is interested in anyone around here. Except you, I piped in laughing. Yeah! Right! With his looks he could have about any woman he wants. Why would he be interested in me? I said because you are beautiful and sexy. What Ever, you say. Good Night I love you.
The next weekend, the kids were at a friends spending the night. Bobbie and I made a batch of Margaritas and settled in for a quiet evening.
After a couple of drinks, we were starting to kiss and pet each other. Suddenly she stopped and said: Did you mean what you said, about me having sex with someone else? That you would be OK with it?
I said absolutely. Laughingly, I said, maybe you could learn something new.
So if I slept with someone else, you wouldn’t be jealous?
No. If it’s only about sex, there is nothing to be jealous about. It’s just a physical thing. But Like I said, it has to be a one time thing, to satisfy you curiosity.
Do you have someone in mind? (as if I didn’t know)
Well…The only other man besides you that I know well enough, and trust enough, is Gary. Do you really think he is interested in me that way?
I said, I can pretty much guarantee it.
She said well, I don’t think he would EVER proposition me. And there is no way I would ask him to sleep with me. So there ya go.
I just laughed and said that’s what you call a conundrum. What is that she asked? I said look it up. Now can we fuck? And did we ever! She was more passionate than I ever remember. At one point, when I was fucking her, I
said don’t you wish it was Gary fucking you? She said oh God yes. And we both orgasmed.