The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Older Couple Has Sexy Fun In The City – Saturday Night – Part Three
I have never orgasmed twice in one session before, but it was going to happen now. Margaret was crashing rapidly but this was going to be about my orgasm and she was just along for the ride this time. I rolled her limp body onto her back and crawled on top of her as I was sliding my bursting cock into what was now a drenched cunt. I threw her legs over my back and grabbed her hips and thrust viciously into her. Margaret’s eyes opened wide as I pumped her with my rock hard cock with little or no thought to her pleasure. The events of the evening had me crazy with lust and I was taking it out on her. Margaret started to respond, her hips pumping back at me, but this fuck was all about me and I continued to pummel her cunt until I could no longer hold back and I fired my load into her for the second time in only a few minutes. The orgasm lasted longer than the last one before I slowly started to regain my breath and rolled off my wife and collapsed on the bed beside her.
We lay quietly on the bed, catching our breath and thinking about what a wild couple of nights we had just been through at the hands, or should I say fingers, of a stranger. I looked over a few minutes later and Margaret was sound asleep, breathing deeply with a look of pure contentment on her face. I soon drifted off to sleep as well but not before the images of my wife’s antics over the last two nights returned to me. What a great way to go to sleep.
I felt her stir and opened my eyes to see the sun streaming in the hotel window and cast a light behind my beautiful wife as she sat up in bed and looked at me. The light created a glow all around her. She was breathtaking. She had pulled the sheet up over her breasts, suddenly shy again.
“We are going to need to talk about this,” she said.
“Talk about what?” I asked with a stupid grin.
Margaret gave me a stern look and a slap on the chest.
“About how what I did last night is going to affect us.”
“Oh that,” I said with a smile trying to put her at ease. I could tell this was bothering her a lot more that it was me. Which I suppose was a little odd.
“Come on, this is serious. Getting felt up the night before was one thing and since it seemed to turn you on so much I thought it would be okay to do it again for a little spark but it kind of got out of hand,” she said with a sheepish look as her cheeks reddened.
“Okay,” I said, “lets talk about it. Do you have Gary’s number?”
“Do you know where he lives?”
“No not really, somewhere in Georgia I think.”
“Are you going to try to find him?”
“God no, why would I?”
The sheet had shifted and one of the breasts that Gary was holding last night as Margaret jerked him off was visible and my cock started to stir.
“So what happened was, we just had the best sex of our thirty two year marriage. I am not angry. In fact, thinking about it has got me aroused again.”
I pulled the sheet back so she could see my thickening cock.
“So we should be talking about how much fun we just had.” I told her as I reached out to caress her exposed breast.
“You don’t think this will be a problem down the road? I mean, you might want to get back at me.”
“No, what we should be talking about is how we use this to keep our sex life cranked because the last two nights have been the most fun I have ever had.”
I pulled the sheet back from Margaret’s body and moved over her.
“Don’t worry,” I said as I slid my cock into her, “what happened last night doesn’t make me want you less; it makes me want you more.”
I moved my cock in a slow pace as we kissed and hugged.
“Are you interested?” I asked as my pace quickened.
She pushed me off of her and onto my back and then mounted me like she did last night, sliding my cock fully into her cunt and started grinding into me.
“I can’t wait.”
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