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A long Journey

In the year of our lord 1432 a scot by the name of Malcom Wallace was givin an order to meet the king of scottland considering the war between Scottland and France. The King told Malcom to go to France and settle a truce with the queen of France. Mal
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Me and Maria

The next day after the video of us having sex was taking Maria came to my house for a visit. She asked if i knew about the big orgy taking place in a party room. I said "Yeah what about it?" she said if i thought it was ok if we went together to the
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My Lucky Day

My girlfriend,Maria, and I were planning this day for a month. We were wanting to have sex with her two freinds recording us, Her two friends were Janaya and Corrina. They showed up at my house and rang the doorbell and i let them in. Maria was weari
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My Lucky Day

My girlfriend,Maria, and I were planning this day for a month. We were wanting to have sex with her two freinds recording us, Her two friends were Janaya and Corrina. They showed up at my house and rang the doorbell and i let them in. Maria was weari
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Just The Three Of Us

I was with my boyfriend of 2 yrs at the mall and we saw this totally hot girl staring at him. I went over to ask her for her name, she said her name was Kristina. She told me that she thought my boyfriend and I were hot. We all started talking and we
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Portnoy Family

The burning cigarette landed right on her navel. Minnie screamed. Rufus jumped. Minnie went tearing out of the bushes where she had been industriously stuffing pyracantha berries in her reproductive organ. Rufus stared at the nude figure as she raced
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Watching a Movie

It was the usual Friday night. I was staying the night at Joe's house, where we watched movies and ate junk food until way too late. His younger sister had her friend Amy over as they decided to join us before they went into their room and gossip
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