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Mr. Smith my new master!

It was my Freshman year of high school. New to the staff and faculty, but one faculty member I grew fond of was my Alegabra teacher Mr. Smith. He was about the age of twenty-six was about 5'11" blonde hair, blue eyes built, and was the head coach of
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personal training

Jasmine was seventeen and a senior in highschool and she loved gymnastics. Jasmine's coach recommended that she start working out at the gym besides her regular 3 day a week tumbling routine. she begrudgingly agreed to go because she knew the coach
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Journals 2

Sept. 16, 2001- Well Larry passed my class. LOL! Well not LOL cause if I did my students would think I was weird. God Larry was so good yesterday I hope more of the same comes along. Bob is still in Florida he should be home soon. He told me that he
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