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Fraternal Love Part I

I'm Daniel 37 years old, I work for a computer firm, and I work as a web developer. My wife and I got married at the young age of 19 and she was 18. I have two daughters Irish who is 16 years old, and the other is Irene 15 years old. My wife a
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My best friend

I have always been attracted to my best friends wife. I have known her for almost ten years since they were first dating. We have always gotten along great. I love being around her. She is a great friend, almost like a sister. She is outgoing and fun
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Journals 2

Sept. 16, 2001- Well Larry passed my class. LOL! Well not LOL cause if I did my students would think I was weird. God Larry was so good yesterday I hope more of the same comes along. Bob is still in Florida he should be home soon. He told me that he
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The Threesome

"OOOOhhhh yes, you bad BAD boy!" Kara screamed to the hispanic man sitting on the bed, furiously pumping Kara's slit. It had been a long, hard day of faking orgasms for her job as a prostitute. "Hey," she thought, "might as well let the
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She surprised me

I couldn't believe that Marie had called me that afternoon to join her for a martini. She was a former student and she was incredibly good looking and totally hot. Even at 36 she looked better and sexier than most of my younger students. The fact
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Nurse Nadine

Keith just came home from a hard day's work. He was tired from dealing with a bunch of demanding clients all day. "How was your day?" Nadine asked. "Lousy. I'm not even hungry. I just want to lay down for awhile, and get rid of this headache." Nadine
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