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Squashed at the squash club

I am a member of a squash racquets club in London. I like to work out generally, keep myself fit and toned, and I spend a lot of time at the club and in the gym. I was at the club one day, looking for a squash playing partner. I approached a group of
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uncle Jeb

Summer With Uncle Jeb
Since I was 15 I always went to stay with My Uncle Jeb and work at his auto dealership. He was a great person to spend a summer with, let me do pretty much what I like and never told my parents. He had never been married an
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As the scene begins, you are knocking on the door of Mr. Charles Pennworth, a partner of your father's firm. You and he have never really hit it off, as Mr. Smythe has seen qualities of yours that are less than desirable for someone in power ov
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My Fantasy Yet to Be Filled

My wildest fantasy has yet to occur but I crave it and want it to.
I am alone walking through the forest wearing only a ragged pair of cut off shorts and tennis shoes early in the morning of a warm spring day, just as the sun begins to rise. As I
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