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Years ago my husband worked in the coal mine, he came home 1 day and told me that there was something the matter with this guy he as working with, I said why and he told me that they were talking at dinner and sex came up! This guy told my husband t
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Spanks A Lot I Needed That

Erin at 21 years old had been acting up at home, she was drinking and partying and having sex with lots of boys and her parents had had enough. They told her she had to go live with her mother's first cousin and his wife.

She did not want to
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Bad Day…Good Day

"Bad Day...Good Day"

On the day of my father's funeral, family came back to the house. My dad did not want us to cry and boo-hoo after the funeral, he wanted us to all take a shot of Jack Daniel's and have a party and in his memory, an
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