I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
Neighbors Weedend Get Away
Another weekend where my tasks around the house seem like they will get the best of me. Wash the car,cut the yard,do some laundry,and wash the dog.
What else is there right? Wrong!
It was early Saturday morning and the sun was warming the dew off the yard. I went into the garage to get ready for the long day of working around the house. I had my back turned when I heard my neighbor Bob yell over to me from his drive. We approched each other and Bob asked if I could do a favor for him over the weekend. He was telling me he and his wife Ann were going away for the weekend and he wanted to know if I could keep an eye on his house. Just then their 16 year old daughter Meg walked up into the conversation. Bob said he was taking Ann away for a get away for her birthday and Meg was staying home with a girlfriend of hers. Bob wanted me to watch the house and said make sure there are no strange boy cars in his drive. Meg was a very beautiful tight bodied young lady so I could understand his fear of some young stud banging his daughter. Meg laughed and said “Dad, we’ll be fine”. I told Bob not to worry, I’ll watch her like she was my own.
I started cutting the yard a few minutes later when I heard the horn blow from Bob’s car as he drove by waving to make sure I saw he was leaving. I waved back and continued to finish cutting the yard.
About an hour later I was washing the car when Meg came over to me and asked if she and her friend Tammy could run up to the store and get some snacks. I told Meg that they had 30 minutes to go and get back. I told Meg to let me know when they get back. I teased them and said don’t make me spank you if you don’t get back on time. They both laughed. As they jumped in the car I noticed her friend Tammy short shorts and her butt cheeks hanging out of them, made my dick hard just thinking about fucking that ass.
I finsihed washing the car and saw Meg pull back into her drive. Meg and Tammy came over and asked if I could come over about 1:00 PM to start the grill for them to cook some hotdogs and burgers. Of course I will I told her.
I was kinda excited about going over to help them just to get another glance of both Meg and Tammy bodies. My cock was just aching thining about them alone for the weekend.
I went over to Meg’s house and knocked on the door, Meg came to the door in her 2 peice bathing suit. WOW I thought what a body, just then Tammy walked out of the bathroom with just her bottoms on and she yelled when she saw me and said “I didn’t know you where here. I turned my head to make it look like I didn’t want to see her, but it was to late, her nice little firm tits were already viewed by my eyes. Meg laughed and said oh well Tammy to bad. Tammy went and put her top on and then returned to the kitchen where Meg and I went to get the matches for the grill. Meg had all the food laid out on the counter for them to have their girl day. I went out to the back yard to start the grill when Meg and Tammy came out with some towels to lay in the yard and sun. I got the grill going and told Meg to be careful when cooking and make sure they don’t burn anything. Tammy asked if I could be their own personal chef and cook for them. I thought what the hell, that would be fun and I could just keep looking at them longer so I said sure.
Meg and Tammy laid down in the yard as I went back into the kitchen to get them set up, I fixed the table up for them and put a candle on it. I went back to the sink to wash the veggie’s and looked out the window. To my surprise they had both removed their tops and was hosing each other with water. I had to act adult and went out to the deck and told them to put their tops back on and not to do that again. They both giggled and stopped. I returned to the kitchen thinking what the hell did I just do, I reached down to my cock that was hard as a rock and rubbed it just thinking about those two young pussies. I almost came just thinking about them.
The grill was smoking so I went back out to start their lunch. I sat on the deck while they continued to bath in the sun, all this time I just watched and watched as I cooked. Meg came up to the deck and asked if I wanted to eat lunch with them and I told her I planned on it cause my services weren’t free. Meg said great, we’ll have a good time.
I got the food ready and put on the table and called Meg and Tammy into the house. Tammy said hey this is nice, candle, food, and a good looking neighbor. I said Thanks Tammy. Meg said hey wait a minute, she got up and brought back a bottle of wine and asked me if they could have a glass during lunch. At first I thought NO, but then thought why not they will be in the house all night. So I said pop it open.
During lunch the girls were getting a little goofey. I served them like they were queens and they were loving it. I asked them what their plans were for the evening, Meg said they were going to have some guys come over, but they changed their minds and wanted me as a more experienced man to play with. I about fell out of my chair. Tammy stood up and said, “could you show us how to do thinks with boys”. I was shooked and said “like what”? Meg said “kiss and play with”. I told Meg that may not be a good idea. Then Tammy came over to the other side of the table and rubbed her fingers thur my hair and said “come on”. How could I turn her down, I turned around in my chair and said “ok, let’s finish lunch first.”
It wasn’t long and we were done with lunch and cleaning up.
Meg and Tammy went into the living room and yelled for me to hurry up, that they were waiting for their lessons. I went in and they were both sitting on the floor like 2 little girls waiting for candy. Still in their bathing suits, I said are you sure you want to do this? Meg said they wanted to do it with boys, but they thought a man could be more sure of what to do. I said ok and sat down across from them on the floor.
I took Meg and Tammy’s hands and held one in each of my hands. I told them they first have to always make sure that they make sure if they are going to kiss guys, keep in mind the boys should be speical and not just another boy. They laughed and said “ok Dad”. I told them when they kiss someone they have to keep in mind, young boys want to get in their pants and most of them don’t know what to do for the girl, boys just look out for themselves.
Ok girls, make sure the first kiss is always soft. I told Meg to lean in and close her eyes and I kissed her lips real soft, she opened her eyes and said that is nice. Tammy said, “my turn”, she leaned in and I kissed her lips, both young girls had the softest lips and smooth. We did that for a few mintues then I told them the next kiss would have some tongue along with it so they had to open their mouths and go with the feeling and motion. At this time my dick was harder then it has been in a long time. I reached over and took Meg’s head and pulled her towards me, I slid my tongue into her mouth, to my surprise she kissed very well, I said Meg you have done this before, and she swore she never had kissed a boy. I then did the same with Tammy, not bad either. I said if you really want to practice kissing guys, they could kiss each other and get use to it. Meg and Tammy laughed and said they were’t sure about that, because they didn’t want to become lesbians, I told them, look at it as a experiment. I told the to try it. They turned to each other and kissed, Tammy and Meg said “not bad”. They kissed three or four times befor stopping.
That was all it took, I told them that they could keep doing that then try on a boy later. Tammy said ok what do we do next after we kiss them. I told Tammy now that is more then you want to know, you are talking about going all the way with someone and that means a lot more things happen. Meg said well lets try something.
I said Meg, I am your neighbor, I could really get in trouble if we do that. She said don’t worry we aren’t going to tell because we could get in trouble too. Tammy agreed. I said OK, I couldn’t let this go by, after all, that is what I was thinking about earlier in the day and the moment has come.
I stood up and moved to the couch, I told them to stand up and remove their bathing suits, with a “I am not sure” look on Meg face, Tammy just took hers off with no thought, Tammy said Meg, take yours off. Meg then removed her suit. I told them to face each other and kiss, Meg and Tammy started to kiss, the next thing I noticed was Tammy hands moving to Meg’s ass, both girls were starting to get into each other. Meg put her hands on Tammy’s tit and Tammy told her to suck on it, Meg’s mouth moved over Tammy’s tits and Tammy just moaned with delight. Tammy’s hand had slid in between Meg legs and Meg let out the loudest moan and her knees buckled. I stood up and moved over to the girls and told them they were doing a great job. I said next you will need to pay attention to me and do what I tell them.
Meg turned to me with that young 16 year old body and I kissed her, I told Tammy to get behind Meg and kiss her neck and back, Meg was becoming so relaxed that I thought she was going to fall. I then told Tammy to start taking my clothes off, Tammy moved around Meg and started removing my shirt and pants while I continued to kiss Meg.
After Tammy had my clothes off, Meg and her looked down at my cock that was hard and at first it scared them. I told them to treat it like the hotdogs they ate at lunch. Meg said the hotdog was smaller, I laughed and said my cock also last a lot longer then the hotdog.
Meg told Tammy to go first, so I told Tammy to take my cock in her hand the rub it, get use to the feeling of it and let her instict take over. Meg watched as Tammy took it in her hand and
Stay Tuned for PART II