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Rain: Rain fucks her boss

It was an late midsummer morning. Rain had to get up and go to work at that hideous office, with all those guys there that stare at her like shes this huge bowl of ice creme. She couldn't understand why.She was 25 with long blonde hair that came down

Rain: Rain fucks her boss

It was an late midsummer morning. Rain had to get up and go to work at that hideous office, with all those guys there that stare at her like shes this huge bowl of ice creme. She couldn't understand why.She was 25 with long blonde hair that came down

I was at work with phone sex

I was at work one Saturday working on a large project that I wasn't able to get done during the regular work hours. I work in an office that has a bunch of cubicles and computers all over. The team that I work with is comprised of ten people and head

hristine Needs Attention

Christine Needs Attention
BY Rick

It was a sad day I had to go to my friend Judy's funeral . Her smoking had finally caught up to her . I was at the wake the night before the funeral . I was sitting and chatting with an old friend

My friend- the good samaritan:)

I haven't been in a relationship in over a year and as a result haven't had any form of sexual release other than masturbation which gets quite boring.
Recently, I was over at my friend John's house for Sunday football. Usually several o

"Super" Cock

After deciding to take some time off from work because the day was too gorgeous, I went to the roof top of my apartment building and stripped nude. I was seriously well endowed for only being 22. I have the perfect figure. I think. I am measured


Allison was ill at ease. She had a nice home and a solid marriage to an older man who owned a prosperous business. She was childless, but that was a matter of choice, at least for now. At 26, she had plenty of time to re-consider.

Her only

The stories of Ted and Celeste

Stories of Ted and Celeste
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He came into the room, and there she was—sitting in the armchair, dressed in God, what would you call it? It was a silk teddy that started as a tube

Damion, The Vampire

Back in the medieval ages, when there supposedly dragons and wizards, when kings and queens, knights, archers, horsemen and the sort ruled, I was and still am a Vampire. I had owned my own castle, land and village of people who treated me as a god. M

The Vampire

Back in the medieval ages, when there supposedly dragons and wizards, when kings and queens, knights, archers, horsemen and the sort ruled, I was and still am a Vampire. I had owned my own castle, land and village of people who treated me as a god. M
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