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Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter Twenty Nine

Doug Ferron was loitering just a few feet down the hallway from the nurse's station. From here, he had a good view and he could hear what was said. That hot little bitch was trying to find out about someone who had been o

Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter Twnety Eight

Scott and Tracy had kissed for a while and now Tracy was pulling her McDonalds tee shirt off and unfastening her bra. Scott was beginning to have second thoughts. Was this worth dealing with the guilt he was sure to suffer

Wife and lover


You went to Amsterdam with the boys for a stag weekend and when you said you were thinking of not going because of me, I really encouraged you to go, finally persuading you and telling you to enjoy yourself. On the Saturday night yo

The Backdoor Neighbors

It had been several months since I had noticed my backdoor neighbors, Susan and Allan, out in their yard. I called and waved to them both. Allan had been home a lot more lately with the birth of their third child; it was obvious he was trying to be

A Foursome That Turned Into a Sixsome

I had just come home to my husband from picking up my friend; Liz, and her boyfriend; Mitch, and the table was beautifully set with salads in a salad bowel above each of the four plates. My husband had made dinner. We ate our salads first, then our s

A foursome that turned into a sixsome

I had just come home to my husband from picking up my friend; Liz, and her boyfriend; Mitch, and the table was beautifully set with salads in a salad bowel above each of the four plates. My husband had made dinner. We ate our salads first, then our s


Jennifer saw him when she was seated at Starbucks on her way to Macy's for some Saturday shopping. He was just a shade younger, but not too young. Slim. Nice eyes. A pleasant mouth. Maybe 24, she guessed.

Jen was 26, had dark hair that

The girl next door

Story number : 21

The girl next door

In the city where I live, I have many friends. They live all over the city. Some live on my street. But there is somebody very special, and she lives very close. So close, that when I look ou

my husband want the cat more than me…

Once upon a time in a land called fantasy there lived a girl called Olivia Farey she lived in malton north yorkshire england, she knew a girl called Faith, they had lots of great lesbian sex, yes thats right, lesbian sex!! half unconsious sex that is

Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter: Eighteen

On the second morning Samantha was in the hospital, a nurse brought in a beautiful flower arrangement for her. There was an extremely nice get well card too, but it wasn't signed. When Doctor John Sherman came in to see Sam
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