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Paying The Bet Part II

Tina looked at her husband, a pleading look in her eyes.
She found no solace there. Instead..."please honey.
I don't want to die."

Slowly, Tina looked up and towards the people still seated
at the table. She saw only eager anticip

When My Wife's Sister Jenny Came To Stay (#1)

I hope this story get you as horny as they still get me.

I've always considered my wife's younger sister Jenny to be like my own little sis. We always had great laugh and I've always spoiled her (and of course she knows that she has me w

fun with wife and neighbors

Saturday morning and here I was alone cleaning house. My wife had arranged a day out with the girls. We both needed time to go out with friends and we respected each others space.
I was just finishing mopping the kitchen floor when I heard a

Adventures With Tia

Adventures with Tia Part One The Camping Trip It was our last summer before college and we all wanted to do something we could remember fondly. We were 18 and free, so my four best friends and I were going on a two-week camping trip into the Bou

From cyber to reality… and it's not over yet…

I awake with the sun shining through the window. It's sitting low, so it must be already afternoon. I stir, just to feel this rough pain in my ass and pussy. Damn, you used me good, even though it was fun and...uhm...yeah, new, so to say. My mind wan

Laid off and getting LAID!!!

Monday I get laid off from work. I come home and am a little depressed. I love to crossdress and drink. I pour the first of many vodka and cranberries and turn the dance music way up.
I go into my room and shave myself. I glue on my fake tits

Working Together

I met Pam at our Ohio base office. I was sent there to help out for a couple of weeks. We worked on a new project together becoming fast friends. After the third day there we were talking over our quick lunch. I told her I was already tired of eating

Okay, sex with a friend is the best!

So it goes like this. I must have a big mouth. I always felt at ease telling Donna all about my life, even from the time we were growing up. Nowadays, Donna is married and so am I. She was always so cute and from what she teased me about, had the

Crush on the Girl Next Door

Crush on the Girl Next Door

I know it was wrong, I really do! The question is how could I just ignore what I was seeing? This girl was about 32 and stunningly gorgeous. I had always had a crush on her but her and her husband lived next door an

My New Kitchen

My new kitchen...
The day finally came when I was to get my kitchen refurbished I was so excited. On this morning two Polish men turned up one of them was fairly broad and muscular and the other quite slim. They started work immediately. I noti
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