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First Time Motherfucker

This story is true. It's about the first time I fucked my mother. I've fucked her periodically ever since. During my growing up, we only did it a few times (I think she was ashamed). I am now in my thirties and married, and live far away from her now
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Sexual Blackmail
Working for an accounting firm for 5 years, I have been handling large accounts. A friend suggested no one would notice if a couple of thousands of dollars here and there were missing. I took the advice. Everything went well, unnoticeable for a
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Souless Cries, Chapter 3

Novellas & Series, Romance, Supernatural
Please feel free to comment! And I started with Chapter 3 because that's the first sex scene. Chapter 3: She was having dinner, alone, with Ian, again. They had been seeing each other for almost 6 weeks. Every night it was something different
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