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Jessica Simpson's Wedding Night

The beautiful blonde 22 year old pop singer Jessica Simpson was lost in a deep seductive kiss with her new husband Nick Lachey one of the singers from the boy band 98 degrees. They had just gotten married that Saturday Afternoon on October 26, 2002.
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Nsync's #1 Fan

It had all started with a radio contest. For the entire weekend, my favorite radio station would be playing an Nsync song every hour and you had to keep track of which song they played. You had to keep a list of each song and by Sunday night, you'd h
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Christina Aguilera's Awakening

It was the night of the MTV music video awards and Christina Aguilera and Fred Durst had just finished singing together onstage. Everyone freaked of course because they are both from opposite sides in the music industry. Some of the most furious peop
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