Great Big Gamble Part 2
March 7, 2006
On the Monday, after Ashley and RJ's first adventure, it was time to head back to school. They had English together in first period, and RJ sat behind Ashley as he does every morning. She said nothing to him as he walked past. As the period drag
Renewing Friendships Part 3
March 6, 2006
As Sarah and Jo led Esperanza back to the house cum was dripping from their gaping holes. They knew they had to thank Esperanza for her efforts to care for them. Jo said, "We are going to take as good a care of you as you did us!"
Sarah led
Sarah led
Thought it never happen to me again!
March 6, 2006
As i quickly forgot about the ride in the car, and occasionally thinking about one of my daughters friends I would find myself jacking off just thinking about her. Just as I thought it would never happen again I once again found myself in a position
First Night Home (Part 2)
March 6, 2006
First Night Home (Part 2)
Anthony and Marie leave the house for their planned evening at the Olive Garden. They are dressed to kill. Anthony in khaki slacks and a dressed collar shirt. Marie is dressed in a black dress that has straps and stop
Anthony and Marie leave the house for their planned evening at the Olive Garden. They are dressed to kill. Anthony in khaki slacks and a dressed collar shirt. Marie is dressed in a black dress that has straps and stop
On the Mat
March 2, 2006
It had been a long day up in the mountains winding my way down the canyon all I could think of was a nice glass of red wine and a long hot bath. My body ached from sitting at my desk and the stress of the day, I was also aware that I needed to simply
Getting Head
February 28, 2006
She crawls up from the bottom of the bed so that she can get into the favored position. I draw my legs up and spread them in anticipation.
"Sir, could you move up a little more, maybe push your pillow up further so that I can fit more
My journey to ecstacy (Chapter – 9) The Landlady
February 20, 2006
My first job was that of a sales executive of a lubricant company. I was posted in Surat and was handling the south Gujarat region. I lived in a rented house in Surat. The landlord and his family were living on the ground floor and I had r
Meeting Beckies mom
February 19, 2006
It had been 3 days since my encounter with Beckie, and I couldn't get her out of my mind. I just had to go over and have sex with her again. I did my chores around the house and asked my Dad if I could go spend the night with Floyd, my best friend
Ultimate Fantasy
February 19, 2006
Just as I had requested, you wore the smallest skirt that you could find in your closet with your halter top. Beings this is the first time I have seen you since you were younger; I am just amazed at the beauty that is lying before me...
slave girl
February 18, 2006
i could tell that he noticed me every morning at the bus stop. he was always staring at me, and watching me. i swear he even walked by my house sometimes at night. one day, i got up enough courage to talk to him. we sat together on the way home, and
My Teacher is sooooo good 2
February 18, 2006
Came the day of my saturday detention. I arrived to school as planned and I met Mr.Lays in his office. I asked him "What are we going to be doing today". He said,"Oh yea, well someone else needs your help". I said ok. He led me into the ceramics room
waking up
February 17, 2006
Chris woke up slowly, groggily she crawled naked out of bed making her way to the bathroom. She turned on the light and squinted until her eyes adjusted. Rubbing her eyes she looked at her face in the mirror, fluffing out her short reddish brown hair
February 17, 2006
Sky got off of the elevator and walked down the hall to John's office opening the door she was warmly greeted by his secretary Samantha. Samantha had done wonders for John's office; she had managed to get everything running smoother then before h
Having Her Way 6
February 16, 2006
"I got fired today." Those were the words Miranda heard when she returned to her office.
"Did you now," Miranda asked warily as she looked at the woman sitting behind her desk. At one time, Helen Mumphries had been a rival but now she was a no
"Did you now," Miranda asked warily as she looked at the woman sitting behind her desk. At one time, Helen Mumphries had been a rival but now she was a no
New Year's Baby 2
February 14, 2006
It was February 14th and Janet was taking her car to get the oil changed. Not the most romantic of ways to spend the holiday, but then she didn't really have any other plans for the day anyway.
She'd intended to get their earlier but one thing
She'd intended to get their earlier but one thing
Green eyed stranger that made me squirt
February 11, 2006
Work was hell. I was so wrapped up in my most demanding case ever. My promotion to partner was welcomed, but the extra long work hours were not. Finally, around 1130 Saturday night, I managed to escape my office and headed to the pub on the corner.
Derek Jeter and the ice bucket
February 11, 2006
I had begun dating a guy who worked for the MLB team in my city. He worked inthe head office, mostly doing marketing work. I was dating him for completely shallow reasons: he was attractive, made good money, but most of all, had access to Major Lea
Tall skinny white boys and big cocks
February 10, 2006
So I was moving in with my new friend Sam. It was strictly friendship. I wasn't attracted to him in the least, but he was fun to hang around, and offered to move me into his apartment so I could get on my feet and then we'd search for a bigger plac
Holiday Romp
February 10, 2006
I have never been more stressed out in my life. Planning my wedding was driving me crazy. Between the florist, the caterer, and my mother, I was ready to shoot myself. Seeing how stressed I was, my fiance offered to send me away for a week, all by my
Foot Fetishes and Foursomes
February 8, 2006
It was pretty much like any other Saturday night. My best friend Ainsley, who was 6 years younger than me, had come into the city from her suburban homw where she lived with her mom and her older brother. We were getting all "skanked-up" as we like