A day on the lake
May 4, 2006
One day Susan and I decided to take our waverunner out for the entire day.
It was in the middle of the week and the lake was smooth as glass. So we packed the
storage compartment with drinks and suntan lotion and headed out for a day on t
mother in law
May 3, 2006
I came home from work, on a friday I believe, looking forward to a weekend of nothing to do and two days to do it. Working third shift sucks. I get home at seven a.m., just in time to see my wife of eight years leave for her job. Working different
The River
May 3, 2006
It was a hot August day when Susan and I decided to go canoeing.
We had the entire river to ourselves and the day promised to be quiet and
peaceful. As we packed the canoe I couldn't help but watch Susan as she
bent over to tie up her lounge
We had the entire river to ourselves and the day promised to be quiet and
peaceful. As we packed the canoe I couldn't help but watch Susan as she
bent over to tie up her lounge
Easy Street 9
May 2, 2006
Stephanie groaned as her body finally regained its consciousness. Shit, she thought, I had way too much to drink at the party last night.
Her body was sprawled out naked on the top of her bed. She could feel where dried up semen had oozed from
Her body was sprawled out naked on the top of her bed. She could feel where dried up semen had oozed from
An Interesting Event
May 1, 2006
I had been working on a machine that would allow humans to transform either part of them selves to how they would like it or to change into a completely different creature altogether. The project was nearing the end of construction and quickly approa
My second day at work Part Two
April 27, 2006
When we got back to the managers office, Bryan started taking off my clothes. He pushed every thing off her desk and he went to turn the lights off. He undressed and came over and started kissing me. He picked me up and put me on the desk. I laid bac
A Night Out with Luke
April 26, 2006
We decided to go out to a local club and watch our friend's band play. Luke had had a rough day at work, and the loud music and a few drinks were exactly what we both needed. We sat towards the back of the club in a booth with our friends. The musi
Jennifer's World: The College Years Ch.19
April 26, 2006
Hi, everyone. Sorry for the long wait. I needed to focus on other issues for a while. I'm back now, and I will try not to let time lapse so much again. Enjoy!
The sisters of Delta Delta Omega were
The sisters of Delta Delta Omega were
My second day at work
April 26, 2006
I started working at a hotel in my area. I had to work a graveyard shift to train. My trainers name was Bryan. He was so sexy. We immediately began talking dirty. He was asking about my sex life. I have only had sex with black men. This turned him on
Beutiful young daughter
April 25, 2006
Im in construction. One day while I was at work one of the subs we have doing work for us had to bring his daughter to help. It was late one afternoon and trying to finish up. The daughter was very sexy and attractive young woman. Her father had to g
April 25, 2006
She had a body that was smaller than I had ever thought I'd like but I did.
To tell the truth, I hardly noticed her at first. Keiko was a student clearly of Japanese descent. She had small breasts that were almost non-existent. She had a small
To tell the truth, I hardly noticed her at first. Keiko was a student clearly of Japanese descent. She had small breasts that were almost non-existent. She had a small
The Lift
April 24, 2006
The midday sun beat down on her body as she approached the building. Her skin was moist with heat and beads of sweat trickled between her breasts.
She pressed the elevator's button and waited as it came down the shaft 10,8 2, 0.... she entered an
She pressed the elevator's button and waited as it came down the shaft 10,8 2, 0.... she entered an
The Layover (part2)
April 24, 2006
The Layover part 2
by mousie
"BOO!" he nearly jumps out of his skin as her breath escapes from from that single word and connects with the tender skin behind his ear. God she was close....So close he could smell her gardinia perfume, feel
by mousie
"BOO!" he nearly jumps out of his skin as her breath escapes from from that single word and connects with the tender skin behind his ear. God she was close....So close he could smell her gardinia perfume, feel
The Layover(part1)
April 24, 2006
The Layover part 1
He shifted in his seat uncomfortably as the turbulance yet again rattled the structure of the 747 comercial airliner. He was fully tired of all the travelling, but it could not be helped as long
He shifted in his seat uncomfortably as the turbulance yet again rattled the structure of the 747 comercial airliner. He was fully tired of all the travelling, but it could not be helped as long
My Australian Angel- Lily (Chapter Two)
April 23, 2006
Once they arrived at Stoney Point Jetty (about 5 km from Hastings), Maverick signed the invoice for the Limo and sent the driver on his way.
Lily insisted that she know what their ultimate destination was. "In due time my darling" he answe
Lily insisted that she know what their ultimate destination was. "In due time my darling" he answe
The Mysterious Lana (Chapter Three- 1st Date)
April 21, 2006
After a refreshing Shower, David anxiously left his suite and returned to the small coffee house in the 300 block of Chartres Street (French spelling). Knowing that his dinner reservations weren't for another 45 minutes, he knew that he had time to
My Australian Angel- Lily (Chapter One)
April 19, 2006
As Maverick stepped off of the airplane at the Melbourne Airport, he could instantly feel the warmth of the Australian Sun beating down on his neck. It was a different kind of heat, one that he wasn't used to. It was far different from that of the
Skanky Soccer Mom
April 17, 2006
Another barbecue. During soccer season, there was one every week. Amelia's deep green eyes skimmed over the men and women in her backyard...the men sipping beers around the barbecue pit and bragging about their golf games, the women perched under tab
She introduced me to Daisy
April 16, 2006
The next weekend Kayla called me and said her friend Daisy was getting some people together and asked if I wanted to go. I said sure and she said she'd pick me up around 7-ish. She came over to my house and knocked on the door. I answered the door
secluded lake part 2 on the beach
April 16, 2006
The Secluded Lake (part 2) On The Beach
He carries her gently to the shore, picking his way carefully past the jagged water worn rocks littering the shore. Finding a clear spot her lays her down, her butt and legs not quite clearing the cool m
He carries her gently to the shore, picking his way carefully past the jagged water worn rocks littering the shore. Finding a clear spot her lays her down, her butt and legs not quite clearing the cool m