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Tasting pussy for the first time

Sometimes my mind plays tricks on me. I have always loved men and having sex with men but sometimes I get turned on by women as well. I have a friend at work that I keep thinking about and it helps to share. We work in a room with a couple of peop

Free At Last

I am not really John Holmes Junior. I'm not related to the famous porn star. I do, however have a 14 inch cock. That is why I'm using his name for this story. You would think that I've had all kinds of sexual adventures but you would be wrong. I was

New neighbor's welcome

It was 8:00pm and there I was smoking a cigarette outside my home when i heard a smoke detector go off across the street. I knew there were new people that lived there, but I had never seen them. I ran opver to investigate and immediately smelled wha

#1: Mac

I'd known Eric forever. A good looking guy; 6 feet tall, very muscular, firm ass. Yet he wasn't my type. Nice abs, bulging package - he had those. But I like my lovers with shapely hips and tits. What can I say? I'm a girl lover. Too bad for th

Horny virgin has her desires get her fucked hard

I came to graduate school a virgin as I really wanted to excel in high school and college to make my life easier. Due to the fact that I studied so much, I had almost no sexual contact other than masturbation (which I love) and an occasional date wh

Puppy Love

I met him on the beach. It was a cool evening so we were alone. As the sun set over the sea we built a small fire, then spread a blanket and popped open a bottle of wine. We dug our toes into the sand as we talked and kissed and laughed. It was perfe

Reform School Transformation

I was sent to reform school for not minding my grandmother and playing hooky. I was 13 and short for my age at five foot four and I only weighed one hundred and ten pounds. I had never cut my long black hair so it went down to my waist. The fact t

Linda's Revenge

We've lived across the street from our neighbors, Pete and Linda, for about 10 years. Last summer they were having a barbeque at their place and I had to take a piss. I went into the house, but someone was already in the main bathroom. I couldn't wai

The Bus Depot

Lindsey McCord watched intently as each bus slipped into its parking place and unload. It was two in the morning and the old bus depot had an eerieness about it that time of day. There were a few people milling around waiting for passengers, obviou

After School

"Finally," Krista thought to herself, "the last period of the day is about over. Just three more minutes and I'm outta here! Eighth period English Lit, what a lousy way to finish up the school day!" "Okay, class," Miss Redmond ordered, "pages 213
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