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Fat Dumb and Horny part 2

Fat Dumb and Horny part 2
By Rick

Annette came back to my apartment after dinner that night . She was like a kid in a candy shop . Can we watch another movie ? She asked . Do you have more movies ? Yes I said I have a drawer full of them .

B & D Night Out

Written by: Jawbreaker
Copyright © 1999 PART 1 OF 4
A few weeks ago, on a Saturday morning, Stacey an


It was a beautiful day in San Francisco. The sun was shining brightly and there was a fresh breeze blowing off the ocean. Since his time was pretty much his own in early retirement, Will decided to take a boat ride on the Bay. Normally the tour bo

I turned a young reheaded lesbo stright Pt3

I didn't see Sandy for a couple of months later. I saw her in the mall with her girfriend. This was the first ime I met Beth she was older than sandy she just turned 20 the month before. We decided to go get a drink they both easily passed fo 21 we h

Big Woman from the Internet

Big Woman from the Internet
By Rick

I had been going to an internet dating service for men who liked big women . Most of the women lived to far away to actually meet . I did set up a couple of sessions with one or two to do some web cam to

How text turned to sex….

We had been texting each other for know the type of texts, the ones that when you read them they put a big smile on your face and get you feeling so horny that you just want it there and then!!

Today started no differently....stev

Classmates reunion

Michelle was celebrating her birthday and impending overseas trip, and had asked me to come along for a night out on the town. I hadn't seen her for about a year since we finished university, so i thought it would be great to catch up with her and th

Why I Like Fat Girls!

I am an 18 year old senior in high school that is lokking forward to graduating. I have had more than my share of pussy, but have noticed a problem. Most girls can't handle my 11 1/2 inch cock. In fact, it seems that the only chicks that can are the

His Arrival Part II..That afternoon

Part II: That afternoon
I woke him up at noon as instructed, but it took him a half hour to get out of bed. I know how tired he is, so i try let him get up at his own pace. But if i let him sleep too long i know he'd get mad. So while im waitin

The Family Secret.

Part 2: They're at it again.
It has been a while since I first caught my parents fucking in the living room during the day. I think I told you about that, and how hot it was. Here is the story of the second time I saw them at it, with a dif
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