I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
The Sultry Sultan and Nagging Nun Pt. 3
As soon as the doors closed, Caro’s captor threw her down on the bed.
“Sister, if you value your life, you’ll do exactly as I say. Do not make any noise.”
Caro sat still as the man–he was American–went to a wall and opened a secret compartment. A nude woman with wide brown eyes and crooked teeth appeared.
Her new master pulled the girl into his arms and forced his tongue down her throat. She squealed loudly in appreciation and slowly backed toward the bed as Caro watched.
“Alexander,” the woman murmured taking his hand and burying it between the pink folds of her pussy.
He grunted and sought a wide brown nipple with his mouth.
She groaned loudly as Alexander fairly threw her to the bed. Caro scrambled to a near corner but her presence was forgotten.
Now the girl lay on her back her legs spread in welcome invitation as Alexander inserted two fingers inside her and followed suit by applying pressure on her clit with his velvety tongue. The sound of her wetness was audible from all the wall across the room.
The woman lapsed into her native tongue as she gasped and began to rock her hips toward his. Alexander lifted his head and sought a nipple as the woman’s body began to quake. Caro watched and felt herself grow wet. Her nipples tingled and ached to feel his tongue.
When her orgasm receded, he shucked his pants and stepped between her legs. Caro gasped at the size of his monstrous cock. It was 11 inches long and 2 inches thick.
He fit himself between her eager pussy lips and thrust inside her. She cried out and her shrieks echoed loudly off of the palace walls.
Unconsciously, Caro began to stroke her bare nipples.
Alexander drove his monster cock deep inside the girl, harder and faster. The girl climaxed again crying out–“Master, Master!”
Alexander gave a mighty groan and heaved forward. He pulled out of her, leaving her pussy red and gaping, and exploded all over her swollen tits.
The event over, he collapsed on his back, his member still erect but rapidly deflating. The girl scurried away back to her secret door.
Caro stayed in her corner and waited.
“Sister, bring me some water wash myself,” his voice was low.
Caro glanced around and found a jug and a patch of silk cloth.
Without opening his eyes, he reached for the silk. Caro wetted it and handed it to him, half expecting him to demand her to clean him. But he eased the silk over himself, mopping up the stickly cum. He then handed the cloth back to Caro.
“Thank you, Sister. Come and lie with me. I am tired and you are safe,” he said, eyes still closed. “I will not seduce a sister of the cloth. In fact I wish to help you and your sisters escape. But we must be patient. Be patient, Sister…”
He drifted off to a dreamless sleep.
The rocking of the bed and the screams woke Caro later that evening. She bounced precariously as Alexander enjoyed bring ridden by a different harem girl. She was thicker than the last and her large watermelon sized tits bounced as she rode him.
Caro sighed and rolled over. She pulled the pillows over head to blcok out the sound but she didn’t off the bed.
A short while later, the screams stopped and the pillow was pried off of her face.
“Bring me water to wash,” he commanded.
Caro didn’t move.
“Sister, it would not be wise to play deaf,” he said softly. “Get the water, now!”
“I didn’t fuck you, I’m not washing you,” she replied saucily.
Alexander blinked. “I didn’t know nuns spoke like that.”
“I’m not a sister,” she snapped. “I’m a photographer.”
“I told you, I have no need to seduce you. You need not pretend with me. That is why I have taken such extreme measures.”
“Really? What have you done to ensure my virtue?” she demanded, letting go of the face that he still believed her a nun.
“The girls,” he gestured toward the door.
“You’ve fucked two women to save me?”
“The sultan has spies. They surely are listening at the door. Any sign of dissatisfaction would have you back at the harem and believe me sister, the sultan is not a gentle man.”
“What do you intend to do with me?”
“I am not a cold-hearted man. I shall help you and your sisters escape the palace. The sooner you return to America, the better.”
Caro studied him. “Why did you leave?”
“What do you mean?” he demanded.
“Why did you leave America?”
He shrugged and turned away. “Why stay?
Dinner was an amazing feat. Caro was led to dinner by Alexander. She bathed in hot water and fairly glowed.
The sutlan sat at the head of the table and Alexander took his seat at the right. As Alexander sat, he pulled Caro into his lap.
“So you are content with her?” the sultan demanded.
Alexander nipped at her soft skin. “Indeed.”
“Her screams were heard throughout the palace. Apparently, she is content with you as well.”
Alexander smiled. His lips still on her skin.
She shivered. His mouth was skilled at promising things that his body could deliver–to anyone but her.
Alexander and the sultan began speaking of business matters as the first course was served. Watching the other concubines, Caro learned to feed Alexander like the other women.
She eased grapes into his succlent mouth and watched his strong jaw chew. He also made sure to lick her fingers intently.
Suddenly, the world around them ceased to exist as she turned fully in his lap to feet him. In the delay of Caro’s picking up the food, Alexander would kiss her shoulder or neck or her palm. His kisses were tender and Caro felt the wetness grow between her legs.
Without thinking, she bit into some mango making sure to drip some juice onto his lips. She then sought to clean his lips by licking the juice off. The lickign turned into kissing and the kissing turned in his reached beneath her gossamer skirt and rubbing the inside of her thigh. His body began to stir and she felt it against her bottom. Again, she gasped at the size of it.
Alexander stood up quickly and took her hand.
“Excuse us, Sultan,” Alexander said, dragging Caro back to his room.
The man cackled. “By all means!”
Caro was incredibly excited. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted her captor to fuck her. Her knees knocked in anticipation…how she wanted to feel him between her legs.
The door slammed and Caro was ready–also to be slammed but in a different sense.
But Alexander strolled past her to the secret door to where a third harem girl stood waiting. He didn’t even pull he rout of the doorway. He lifted her up and slammed his huge cock inside her.
Caro heard the familiar moans and shook her head. She sighed and went to the bed. Pulling the blanket over her head, she tried to block out the fact that Alexander would rather fuck a harem girl than her.
Comments Appreciated! Part 4 Coming Soon!!!