I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
When We Were Young
I had been going to college when I met Maureen and we got married in a hurry when she got pregnant at 18. Unfortunately, within a few months I had to do my national service because I had been deferred while I was at college. I was called up in the February and after my basic training and trade training as a wireless mechanic I was posted to Marham in Norfolk on a V-bomber squadron. Of course we did not enjoy being apart so I got permission to live off the camp and was lucky enough to find a small house to rent in Kings Lynn. So Maureen joined me there and we were really hard up because the national service pay even with the living out allowance was only about 20% of what I had been earning as a steelworks chemist. At first we really struggled until I was offered a part time job selling ice cream from a van in the evenings. This was a help but I was only paid commission on my sales so I was not earning very much, it did however allow us to have an occasional night out which was something that we has not been able to do before. The town was almost mid-way between Marham and an American air base so there were lots of Yankee airmen with loads of money to spend in town.
The main problem then was the lack of a baby sitter, so when we had the money I went to the pub alone and Maureen would have to go to the cinema alone. However, there was a young woman named Barbara who lived next door and Maureen often used to talk to her during the day when I was at work. Then one day my wife said, “did you know that Barbara has an American boyfriend?”
“No I didn’t, but she wants to be careful, those Yanks are only after one thing and they don’t even know themselves how long they will be here. The war has been over quite a few years now and the Yanks won’t be here forever. If she is not careful he will put her up the stick and then fuck off quickly back to the States, and I bet he has a wife back there as well.”
“Oh she is not daft she makes him use rubbers and she has something called a Dutch cap. He gives her all sorts of presents, nylons, nice dresses, underwear, makeup, jewelry and even cash when she goes to bed with him.”
“So you mean that she is a prostitute.”
“No, I sort of thought that but real pros go to bed with anyone and often several men one after the other and Barbara says that it doesn’t count as being a pro if a woman only goes with one man and he is her boyfriend, even if she is married.”
Over the next couple of weeks Maureen continued to talk about Barbara about her boyfriend and how much money she was getting from him. Then one Saturday she told me, “I am not going to the pictures tonight, I am going to the dance with Barbara.”
“Jesus, what for? You know what she is like and that dancehall will be full of Yanks looking for women.”
“Yes I know, she will be meeting Al and she has been telling him and his friends about me. She said that he has one friend who is very nice and when she told him how pretty I am he said that he would love to meet me.”
“Good God, you mean that she has fixed you up with this Yank?”
“No it’s not really like that but I love dancing so it will be a bit of fun and I don’t have to do anything that I don’t want to do, so I have made my mind up I am going with her. I haven’t been to a dance since we got married.”
It was nearly 1am when she arrived home, and I wasn’t very pleased, “Where the hell have you been?” I demanded.
“Now don’t get mad, James was very nice, very polite and good looking and I really enjoyed the dance, he didn’t care how much he spent and he bought a lot of drinks. Look how much he gave me; she produced a roll of dollar bills and said, “He gave me $25.”
“Jesus you mean that you let him fuck you?”
“I wish that you wouldn’t use that word, it makes it sounds awful, but yes, I let him have sex with me, but I made him use a contraceptive and when he got on top of me it only lasted about 2 minutes and when he actually got it into me, he cum very quickly and I got this $25 that is nearly £8 almost twice what you get every week off the RAF.”
“Jesus! I don’t want you going out with her ever again.”
“Well I will be and I have got a date with James on Wednesday night and you are not going to stop me meeting him regularly. Just think how much money it will mean, our Linda needs some clothes and shoes and I will be going into town to get them tomorrow morning now that I have a some money to spare and I will be getting a lot more if I go to bed regularly with James.”
Maureen was only 19 at the time, but I already knew that once she made her mind up about something there was nothing that I could do to stop her. So Wednesday came around and Maureen got dressed up for her date and took lots of care with her make up. “How do I look?” she asked?
“Lovely but please don’t go out with him.”
“Don’t talk so daft you know that we never have any money and anyway I get a good night out before he takes me to bed. I am only young and since we got married I haven’t had any fun at all, and I think that I am too young to be stuck in the house night after night. Any way I do like James and he is very generous.”
I asked her, “When you went out on Saturday did you know that you would have sex with someone before you came home?”
“Yes, Barbara had told me all about the Americans, she said they are all over here thousands of miles away from home and of course from their wives and sweethearts and you know what men are like they are all looking for sex. There are lots of women; some of them married women looking for American boyfriends just because they have so much money. So when we were talking at first and you said how bored you are down here and how you are really fed up with being skint all the time I started talking to Al about you and he said one of his friends had just arrived from the states, he said that James is a really nice guy and he was sure that he would want a nice girlfriend, so I told him to tell James that I would bring my friend with me. So just come and meet him and if you like each other then it’s up to you what happens next, but don’t forget if you don’t grab him there are loads of women who soon will.”
“So you did know that you would probably let this guy have sex with you before you went out,”
“Yes, I just explained it all to you didn’t I and then when I met him he was all over me it was obvious that he really fancied me and he is really nice and good looking so I decided to let him do it to me.”
“Do you know what he does or what rank he is?”
“Well I know that he is a pilot like Al so he must be an officer.”
It was nearly 2 am when Maureen arrived home. “Jesus you are getting later.”
“Yes I am sorry it but it was James he didn’t last long the first time so he insisted on doing it again before he brought me home, but he did give me more money, look I got $40 tonight. There was only one slight problem he only had one Durex so the second time we did it without one.”
“Jesus you don’t want to be doing that, what if he has got you pregnant?”
“Well I hope not but I am going to the doctor and I will get him fit me with this thing that women can use and he can give me some jelly stuff that kills off the sperm. Barbara told me all about it.”
“So you will be doing it with him bareback from now on?”
“Yes and I am sure that James will be really pleased about it.”
It was about 11 am on the Saturday when I heard a knock at the door, when I opened it Barbara was there, “Is Maureen there?” she asked, I called my wife and she went out and shut the door. When she came back she said,” I am going out for a couple of hours.”
“What’s going on?”
“There is a big party at the base tonight and James wants me to look nice so he has sent me some money with Barbara so that I can buy a new dress for tonight. So Barbara and I are going shopping.” When she came back she showed me the dress, it wasn’t too short but the neckline was very low and my wife told me. “I had to buy a new bra as well, it is a special one that pushes my breasts up to show a good cleavage, Barbara helped me to choose it, she said that all the Yanks like their girlfriends to look good and show off their tits.”
“So you think that you are his girlfriend now?”
“Yes of course I do, that is what I am James’s girlfriend.”
That evening Maureen got ready to meet James again and when she came down stairs she asked me, “Do you like my new dress?”
“Yes you look great, but I wish that you weren’t going out.”
“Well I am, I spent over £50 of James’s money today and he deserves to get his money’s worth tonight. Any way look,” she slowly raised her skirt so that I could see her nylon clad legs and then suspenders, a black suspender belt and lacy, flimsy black panties, “I bought these to go with my new bra, so you think that James will like them?”
“Jesus, you are giving me a hard on. Of course he will love seeing those tonight.”
“Yes and he will enjoy undressing me.”
The next morning it was after 11am when Maureen came home. “Bloody hell you never told me that you were spending the whole night with him”
“Yes I know but I want to keep him interested in me, there are dozens of women who would love to have him for a boyfriend, and I intend to do anything that he asks to keep him happy. So I will be spending the whole night with him every time I go to meet him, he was really pleased when I said that I would stay last night, he said, ‘that’s great, I always feel horny when I wake up in the morning.'”
“So you let him do it again this morning?”
“Yes of course I did and I,” she stopped.
“You what?”
“Oh nothing.”
“You were going to tell me something, so go on, tell me or I will be wondering about it all day.”
“All right if you insist, I was going to say that I really enjoyed it as well.
“Do you always enjoy it when he is fucking you?”
“Well I didn’t at first but now I do. He spends a long time on foreplay so that I am really wet, then when he does get it into me I can feel it right up inside me and I like it when he gets a bit rough when he is doing it to me.”
When I went in the squadron office the next week I was told, “You are on fire picket next week.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means after work you report to the fire station and spend the night there instead of in bed with your wife.”
Of course I told Maureen when I got home and she said “that’s great, I will bring James home with me and we can sleep together every night next week.” So the next week I never got off the camp at all and I knew that James was in my bed enjoying my wife’s body every night. When I did eventually get home my wife told me, “James and I really enjoyed being together all last week and I have agreed to see him more often, so I will be going with him a couple of nights during the week and then spending the whole weekend with him from now on. The good news is that he will give me £100 every week.”
Around this time there was a lot in the news about Nasser, the new president of Egypt and that he wanted to take over the Suez Canal. On the camp there were rumours that some of our aircraft might be involved, then suddenly it was announced that Britain and France were going to occupy the canal area. We were told that our squadron would be going to Cyprus to support the attack. When I told Maureen she asked, “Does that mean that you will be going?”
“I don’t know yet,” I told her. She had a date with James that night and when she came home she said, “I told James that you might have to go to Cyprus and he said, “I do hope he has to go, I will be able to move in with you if he goes away.”
Every night when I came home she asked me, “Are you going to go to Cyprus?” Eventually we were told that not all the ground crew would be going and that they wanted volunteers. Of course I told my wife about this and she immediately said, “Good, I want you to volunteer to go.”
“Why?” I asked.
She told me “James and I have been talking about it and of course he wants you to go so that he can move in with me and have me in bed every night.”
“Is that what you want me to do?”
“Yes I do James will be able to get living out allowance and it is over ten times what the RAF give you and he is going to give me all of it and pay the rent as well, I will be able to save a lot of money.”
“Yes but do you really want to have James in our bed every night?”
“Yes I do, I told you that I am really enjoying having sex with him, and he has promised to take me out most evenings to nice restaurants, Barbara’s Mum is going to babysit any time we need her so just do what I want you to do and volunteer to go to Cyprus when you go to work this morning.”
“It sounds like you have got everything arranged.”
“Yes I have and I will not be happy if you don’t go, I am hoping to save enough money for a deposit on a house when you get out it is only about six months now.”
“Yes and you want this James to be fucking you every night, don’t you?”
“Yes, you know that I do.”
So the next morning I volunteered and was told that I would be in Cyprus soon and no one knew how long we would be out there. Then suddenly there was a big rush to get the squadron to Cyprus and I found myself on an RAF transport plane and all I could think about was that James would be fucking my young wife every night while I was away and it looked like we could be away for several months.
It was just over a week later when I received my first letter from Maureen, at first she only wrote about normal every day things but towards the end she wrote, “James has moved in with me now and he is really enjoying being in bed with me every night, he insists that we both sleep naked and during the night I often feel his hands on my body, even when he is half asleep, he will be squeezing my breasts and stroking my bum. But when he is fully awake in the morning he doesn’t waste any time, he wakes me up and says, “Open your legs, Maureen.” Then as soon as I do he gets on top of me and does it to me, he is usually very quick in the morning he gets a bit rough but I still enjoy it.”
It was almost three months before I came home and Maureen wrote to me every week telling me what James and she had been doing and where they had gone to in the evenings. She also told me, “I have become very fond of James and sometimes I think that we are falling in love, we both really enjoy having lots of sex and we do it almost every night and not just once a night.”
I was away for over three months and all that I could think about was that James was living with my wife and fucking her almost every night, I calculated that it was about 100 days or more importantly 100 nights and she said that he fucked her more than once a night so he had probably fucked my wife almost 200 times while I was away. I found that thinking about James getting his cock up my wife so often gave me a hard on. Then suddenly we were getting ready to go home and I wrote to tell Maureen that I would soon be home. When I arrived home we were given ten days leave and I asked if I had to take it straight away or if I could take it any time that I wanted. The flight sergeant said that he would leave it up to me so I set off for home and when I got there Maureen was a bit surprised to see me and said, “I wasn’t expecting you so soon and James will be here in a few minutes he is expecting to take me out for a meal and of course to be able to sleep with me tonight.”
Just then the front door opened and he walked in on us, he didn’t seem worried about me being there and he sat down and said, “You seem to have caught us by surprise, Bas, Maureen told me that you would be home soon, but you are a bit sooner than we expected. Anyway you know all about your wife and me sleeping together while you have been away so I suppose all we need to do is decide what is going to happen now you are home.”
I was bit surprised that he was so calm when confronted by the husband of the woman that he was fucking regularly but I knew that Maureen would want to continue her affair with him so I said, “Well, I suppose it is up to my wife to decide what happens next.” He seemed like a decent guy (apart from the fact that he was fucking my wife) and I could see why Maureen found him attractive as he was in his late 30’s and quite good looking and of course he was giving my wife a lot of money and she was enjoying a much better lifestyle than I could provide while doing national service.
“Ok,” my wife said, “now I don’t want to upset either of you; Bas, you are my husband and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you, but at the moment I am enjoying what James can provide for me. I have a very good lifestyle at the moment and I am certainly going to continue my affair with you James. But first what do we do about tonight, I know both of you will want me in bed tonight.”
Then James said, “I am pleased that we are all being civilized about this, it can’t be easy for you Bas us sitting here deciding which of us is going to sleep with you wife tonight.”
“That’s ok,” I told him, “Maureen knows that I will go along with what she decides.”
“Good. Well, what I suggest is that we all go for a meal together. Maureen and I had already arranged that, so we will have a meal and a few drinks together and we will let Maureen decide what happens later on tonight.”
Several times during the evening my wife and her lover whispered to each other, so I got a surprise when we were in his car later on and James said,” Maureen told me that she wants you alone with her to night so I will drop you off at home but I will be calling round again tomorrow evening.” When we got home Maureen took me straight up to bed and we made love nearly all night I was really surprised how keen she was and even more surprised at some of the things that she did, she had me in all sorts of different positions some of which I had never even thought of before. From the first time that I had seduced her it had always been in the missionary position and she had always refused to try any other position, I was even more surprised when in the early morning she burrowed down under the bedclothes and started to suck my cock and we finished up doing it in the 69 position where she gave me explicit instructions on what to do, and how to find her clit and when to lick and even when to nibble at it.
The other thing that I enjoyed was when she shouted, “That’s it, now fuck me, Bas, fuck me hard. When we finally finished I asked her about her performance and she told me, “It is all down to James he has taught me to really enjoy sex he is very experienced and he loves to talk dirty while we are doing it. Now I really enjoy getting fucked and I am sure that you enjoyed yourself tonight, just think James has really done you a big favor I am sure that we will have a much better sex life from now on and all because he has taught me to really enjoy being fucked and to talk about what I like and not be embarrassed about telling you what I want you do to me.”
The next evening James called in about 7 pm and my wife told me, “James and I are going out for a meal and we want to talk about what is going to happen now that you are home so I hope that you will agree with what we decide tonight.”
“Ok I will leave it up to you, I won’t argue as long as I know that it is making you happy.”
They came back quite early and Maureen told me, “We have decided that James is going to continue to live with us here until he leaves, he will continue to give me all his living out allowance which is £30 a night.”
Jesus, I thought that is £210 a week and at the time £20 a week was considered to be a very good wage. “Ok,” I said.
She continued, “Of course James will be sleeping with me in our bed, but I promise not to leave you out and I will sleep with you a couple of nights every week and some nights I might even spend some time in both beds. Now I will get Mrs. Peacock to come and look after Linda so we can all go to the pub, I am feeling naughty already so you might both get a treat tonight.”
So that night my wife went to bed with James and for the first time I found myself listening to all the sounds of lovemaking as James fucked my wife in what had been my bed. Then about 4 am Maureen climbed into bed with me, she got on top and whispered, “Could you hear us fucking?”
She got hold of my cock and guided it into her, “I hope you don’t mind sloppy seconds,” she said and I pushed my cock hard up her. So for the next 11 weeks until James actually left he shared my wife’s bed almost every night, at first she kept to her promise to spend a couple of nights with me every week, but soon she was letting James fuck her every night and eventually I got used to sleeping alone and dozing off as I listened to the bed creaking and my wife’s squeals of pleasure as James enjoyed himself fucking her. If I was lucky she would slip into bed with me and let me have what she called sloppy seconds. They went out for meals or drinks most nights and a couple of nights a week they stayed in so that I could go to the pub and they were always in bed when I came home.
One night James said to me, “I think that I will come to the pub with you and this became a regular event.” At first we never discussed his relationship with my wife, but one night it was very quiet in the pub and he suddenly said, “You know, Bas, I do really like Maureen a lot.”
“Well I am not surprised you have been seeing her for a long time now.”
“It’s not just sex, you know,” he continued, “although that is an important part of it. I do really enjoy having sex with your wife, of course she is a lot younger than my wife and has a better body, we have five kids and of course that has affected her. Her tits are saggy and your wife’s are really firm and perky but best of all she is really tight not like my wife sometimes I am not really sure if I have really got it in with her, but with your Maureen as I said she is really tight and I can feel that the whole length of my cock is really inside her. Jesus I am sorry I shouldn’t have said that, bloody hell I don’t know why I said that.”
“Ok don’t worry about it I have listened to you fucking my wife that often that I am not easily shocked these days.”
“Yes and I do really enjoy it she is just as keen as I am she often wakes me up in the morning and insists on doing it again before I leave for work. Jesus I am starting to feel horny let’s get home so I can get your Maureen into bed again.”
So eventually James left to go home to his wife, I asked Maureen, “Are you going to miss James?”
“Of course I am he has been fucking me regularly for months,”
“I thought that you did not like using the F word.”
“Oh I couldn’t care less now and I will miss having James fucking me but the good news is that I have saved loads of money, we will have enough for a deposit and most of the furniture. So for about 4 or 5 weeks we lived a more normal life then one weekend Maureen told me, “I am going to the dance with Barbara tonight.”
“Jesus you are not looking for another Yank, are you?”
“No, but Barbara has got me fixed up with big Jake.”
“Big Jake, Jesus who is he?”
“Oh I met him when I was going out with James, he is American and he is a lot younger that James was. Barbara told me that he was asking where I had got to now James had gone home, he told her that he had always fancied me and asked her to get me to meet him. So I said that I would meet him at the dance tonight. I always thought that he was nice and I am fed up of staying in every night.”
“So you have arranged a date and you know that he will want to fuck you.”
“Of course he will and I will let him fuck me, I will spend the whole night with him and then he will probably want to take me out regularly. There is just one thing that I want to ask you.”
“Ok, what?”
“Well, Barbara said that her boyfriend told her that Jake is hung like a horse, I wasn’t sure what she meant at first but I think that I have figured it out.”
“Jesus it means that he has a cock like a horse, it is usually an exaggeration and I hope it is because horses have cocks about 2 feet long but one thing is absolutely certain is that he does have a very big cock. Are you sure that you still want to meet him?”
“Yes I thought that is what she meant and I am definitely going to meet him, I want to see just how big it is.”
“So if he really does have a big cock are you still going to let him fuck you?”
“Mmm yes I want to see what it feels like when he gets it up me.”
So Maureen went off to meet this new man that she was hoping to see regularly. She arrived home just after lunch, I couldn’t help wondering if she had enjoyed sex if his cock was really big and I asked her, “How did it go?”
“Oh, he is really nice. We had quite a lot to drink at the dance and then he took me to that nice hotel that James liked and he has asked me to be his regular girlfriend so I will be going out with him regularly from now on.”
“Yes but what happened when you got to bed?”
“What do you think happened, he fucked me nearly all night.”
“Yes, but what about his cock was it really big?”
“Oh yes it is.”
“Oh come on you know what I want you to tell me about.”
She giggled, “Yes I know that you want to know what it was like when he was putting it in me, but first you have to promise me that you will let me go out with him any time I want to.”
“Ok, I promise.”
“Good. Well, his cock is really big, longer than James or you and quite fat, when we got into bed he told me, ‘Spread your legs wide, Maureen, as wide as you can,’ then he started to rub his cock end against me so I got hold of it and helped him to get it into me, it was a bit a struggle at first but eventually he got his cock end into me. I told him, ‘Now push it up me, push hard and get it right up me.’ So he did, he rammed it hard up me and it made me squeal, he stopped and I told him, ‘No, don’t stop, fuck me, fuck me hard I want you to really enjoy yourself’ and he did, it lasted ages and when he got really going I started to enjoy it and he knew that I was enjoying it as much as he was. He fucked me three times last night and twice this morning and I am going out with him again tonight.”
My wife went out with Jake four nights in a row and when I complained she told me, “You know that he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said that I would love to be his girlfriend, so what do you expect? He wants to see me regularly and I will go out with him every night if he wants me to.” Then a couple of weeks later she told me, “I asked Jake if he would like to move in with me, so you will have to move back into the spare room so that Jake can sleep with me every night.
So I was back to going to sleep alone every night and having to listen to another man fucking my wife all night, I always had a wank when I could hear my wife shouting, “Jake I love you,” over and over when he was getting stuck right up her. Then one day Maureen told me, “Bas I better tell you, Jake doesn’t give me any money, not like Jake did.”
“So why do you even go out with him, never mind having him in our bed every night?”
“It is because I really do like him a lot, I told you that I had agreed to be his girlfriend and that is what I am now. When he takes me out he spends a lot of money on me. He buys all the drinks and lovely meals. He buys me lots of presents, clothes, jewelry anything that I ask him for, just like any boy would buy a girlfriend that he is in love with.”
“Do you believe that he is really in love with you?”
“Oh yes, he is always so nice and affectionate and he is always telling his mates how much he enjoys having sex with me.”
“So what about you, do you still enjoy the sex?”
“Oh yes it is great and he can fuck all night every night he never seems to be able to get enough, and I think that I am falling in love with him. Oh and by the way he is taking me to London at the weekend, we will be leaving early on Friday and will be back late on Monday.”
When she got back she told me, “Bas I better tell you I forgot to take my contraception with me.”
“Jesus! I hope you bought some condoms.”
“No neither of us likes using those things, so I will be keeping my fingers crossed.”
“Keeping your legs crossed would have made more sense; how many time did he fuck you over the weekend?”
She thought for a minute or two then said. “About 11 or 12 times and always bareback. Jake thought it was really exciting when he was cumming up me without any contraception, and he said that he would love to do it again. I am not so sure but I told him that I might do it again.”
So Jake continued to fuck my wife regularly for the next few weeks and one weekend she told me that she had allowed him to fuck her all weekend without any contraceptives, “he loves doing that, “she told me. So until she had a period I was worried that he might have impregnated my wife, fortunately it had not happened.
Then I was told that I had to go on a fire fighting course for a month, 2 weeks at Morton in the Marsh and 2 weeks at a place called Chorley. So I told Maureen to get ready to leave. “Won’t you have to come back here then?” she asked.
“Yes, I will have to come back to get demobbed.”
“Good then I can stay here until you come back and Jake will be pleased because he will have me all to himself for another month.” So off I went once more leaving my wife with her boyfriend and knowing that he would be fucking her every night. Morton in the Marsh was real dump with only one pub and nothing much to do in the evenings. Chorley however was a lot better with a lot of young unattached women working in a nearby factory, so everyone including me soon found that a lot of the girls were sex starved and welcomed us with open arms and open legs. Then finally I was back at Marham ready to get demobbed, we all had a demob interview where an officer tried to get us to sign up for regular service which, of course, I refused to do.
Then I was at home with Maureen. “I have something to tell you,” she said.
“Ok go ahead.”
“Well don’t get mad but Jake brought a couple of his mates home every weekend.”
“What on earth for? I asked.
“To have a bit of fun with me.”
“A bit of fun with you, you don’t mean that you let them fuck you?”
“Yes I did and it was fun.”
“Jesus was it the same men every week?”
“No, it was always two different men.”
“So every week you let three men fuck you, bloody hell that means that nine men have fucked you while I was away.”
“Not exactly, you were away five weekends.”
“Bloody hell so eleven men have enjoyed fucking you?”
“Yes and they all said that they really enjoyed themselves with me, and they took lots of photos.”
“Not photos of each other fucking you?”
“Yes, of course they did.”
“Bloody hell, how many photos?”
“Oh, a couple of rolls of film.”
“Jesus that is about 72 photos.”
“Yes, every weekend.”
“Good god, two rolls every weekend that means that they have over 700 obscene photos of you.”
“Yes and last week they had some colour film.”
“Are you stupid? I bet every man on the station has seen some of those photos by now and dirty photos are illegal. It is a good job that we are leaving; if the cops get to see them you could get arrested.”
She held up a 36 exposure roll of film, “I pinched this one so that you can develop it yourself; I bet that you will enjoy seeing all those dirty photos of me with other men.” I found that I had a hard on and I knew that my wife was right I did want to see the pictures of other men fucking her. It was almost a month after my demob before I had a chance to develop that film and soon as it was dry I put it into the enlarger and started to look at the images. The first one showed Maureen naked from the waist up and showing her nice breasts, the next was of her naked on our bed, then one with her legs spread wide showing her pussy then a couple of close ups of it. In the next one showed her between 2 naked men with a cock in each hand while they squeezed her tits. Then a series of photos with a man getting on top of her and pushing his cock up her. Next some pictures of my wife licking and sucking the man’s cock. The final one with all of his cock in her mouth followed by one where he had just cum all over her face especially around her open mouth, there were three similar pictures and finally some photo’s of Maureen on her hands and knees while another man fucked her doggy fashion. I just could not wait to start making some nice big prints of these obscene photos of my wife.