I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
I made a gayboy wet just by sitting next to him: part 1
A couple of days ago I had the pleasure of dipping my dick in some sweet femboy boypussy. Now then, I’m not a homo, I am attracted exclusively to girls, but if a dude grows his hair long and wears obviously androgynous clothes I can’t help but think that he actually wants to be one. Therefore I believe it is my right, a right of every self respecting man to make them feel like one by the means of plunging our throbbing cocks dozen inches deep into their clean-shaven boyholes, teaching them a lesson in masculinity they will never forget~
Tbh I consider myself quite an athletic, handsome man in my mid 20’s. I used to be a wimp, but ever since I’ve started hitting the gym twice to thrice a week several months ago I got significant gains. It did a whole lot for my self-confidence, whence once I’ve been what you might consider a beta male, nowadays I am nothing less than a chad, a dominant alpha who takes what he wants and doesn’t ask for anyone’s permission.
That’s why I can’t stand looking at the guys who can’t assert themselves properly, like this little fag I’ve met outside train station that day….
Frankly speaking normally I don’t pay attention to people that pass by me, most people are simply too ugly or average looking to warrant any significant reaction from me. I have my bros at the gym, my gf whom I love and I’d never cheat on her, my beloved god-fearing family and other people close to me that I care for and could literally die for. Everyone else is just an extra…
But this homoboi here was different. The moment I saw him sitting on that bench, a sheepish smile painted on his frog-like face,I felt something move in my guts, some deep rooted feeling of disgust and spite resurfaced from within me, screaming to be quenched and satisfied right there, right now…
Curly, well maintained shoulder length hair, so contrasting with his receded hairline. Puffy, child-like cheeks and large mouth with obvious hint of lipstick amateurishly smeared on it. Skin-tight blue ripped jeans that accented his wide, girl like hips, and pink t-shirt that was obviously not cut for hit board shoulders and narrow waistline. Was it one of these so called trannies, or just a raving homo? I had to learn I had to know. I felt like I -need- to push his boundaries, see how he reacts when I pinch the correct buttons…
The beast within me has awakened, and it was time to begin the hunt…
Pretending im not actually paying any attention to him, I sat down next to him. At first he didn’t seem to notice me, he was occupied with his phone. So I took out my own smartphone, and turned on some mobage, pretending I’m actually playing the whatever random game my gf has installed there(video games are for faggot nerds, whether they are mobile or pc or console or whatever, I fucking grew up lmao).
After a while of doing just that, I sensed a slight movement to my right, on the very edge of my vision. He finally acknowledged my presence, and he was looking at me. I suddenly felt an erection mounting in my pants, my penis screaming to be released upon his faggot ass face, my cum boiling in my balls…but I suppressed that instinct, and continued playing the game. After a while of just looking at me, he turned his attention back to his phone, and started typing frantically. This was my chance, and I used that occasion to take another closer look at him now.
He was clearly consternated. He was all sweaty and shaky, sweat dripping from his forehead on his knees and the palms of his hands. His chest was going up and down as if there was an alien chestbuster there trying to get out. His heart must have been beating like mad, because at certain point he grabbed his chest as if he was some kind of old man about to get a heart attack.
I licked my mouth. There is no way I was going to stop now….I put away my phone, and continued starring at him….after a while stopped typing and glanced at me, his panicked, dilated pupils meeting my rock hard stare….he put his eyes down immediately but continued nervously glancing in my direction every now and again….clearly intimidated by my dominant stance….what was he hoping for here really?
Did he think if he just sits like that long enough, I will just walk away…..? Or perhaps…the opposite…
At this point I realized the truth, and the bulge in my pants grew even further. This faggot…his red blushing cheeks betrayed him……he knew, that I am a predator and he is my prey…he accepted his role already, didn’t he? Ever since I sat down next to him, he’s only been waiting for my next move, his body has been shaking not just with fear, but also with anticipation, isn’t it?
He would be disappointed if nothing happened now, wouldn’t he…?
I positioned myself slightly closer to him. Even thought it’s such an innocent movement, he jumped up slightly, and moved to the farthest end of the bench. Trying to get away from me…? but if he really wanted to escape, he’d just stand up and leave, wouldn’t he?
Hahaha. The girly red blush has all but disappeared from his face, replaced by ghastly white. Like a thot who put on too much make up, trying to get that male attention…..
I casually put my arm around his shoulders, not saying a word, but making my intention all too clear. But you know, it wasn’t just a friendly gesture…at any moment, this very arm of mine could go around his neck and turn into rear naked choke….the moment he allowed me to move my arm like that, this fool made himself totally at my mercy and good will, he was mine and mine alone….
A tiny gasp escaped his lips. A little feminine “ah”. Like a whore who got more than she asked for, like a party slut when you surprise grab her tits from behind, like my gf where I slap her in the face harder than she anticipated….his eyes dropped down again, and for a moment I thought he is trying to escape to his phone, but it wasn’t so…he was looking at his own crotch, and so my gaze followed his to the source of his new fixation…
A once pacific light colour of his jeans, is now painted midnight blue…a huge pool of new shade with epicentre right in between his legs spreading slowly down his thighs, his hands desperately trying to cover the source of his shame, tears dropping down his face, he started sobbing.
Yes, he pissed himself. This little faggot, this womanboy, he pissed himself just because I sat next to him….
Suddenly he jumped up and started running, crying, screaming, waving his hands left and right as if he was being swarmed by a cloud of invisible insects. I laughed out loud, and stood up. Giving the bench one final glance, I stretched out a bit and chased after him, like a hungry dog following a fluffy little rabbit…
He didn’t even look away once. He didn’t even notice that I’m following him. But even if he did, there’s now way he could have escaped me. He moved like a frog, he was slow, too slow!
Finally, he reached his destination. It was the public bathroom at the station. But of course. Trying to clean himself up, perhaps? He didn’t even realize how dirty I was planning to make him, just in a moment. My dick was calling for his flesh, and the moment of satisfaction was at hand.
I stopped right in front of the door, breathing heavily. When did I lose my breath? There is no way I got tired chasing this creature, no, it’s the beast within me awakening, it’s my desires letting themselves known to every inch of my muscular, well toned body…..
I entered the bathroom. There was no one there. Of course…there aren’t many people at the train station early in the morning, it was convenient, all too convenient….
Out of five bathroom stalls, only one was closed. I didn’t hesitate for a moment. I kicked the door. They didn’t give in. So I kicked them again. And again. And again. Finally the lock broke down under the sheer power of my brutality, like a can of sardines, exposing it’s delicious content.
There he was, sitting on a toilet, his arms warped around his torso, his teeth clattering, sheer terror painted on his pale white face. His pants were already down, his wet, clean shaven testicles exposed to me in all their uninspiring size and shape.
His penis was shrunken. This made me enraged. Why was his dick soft? Is he not excited to see me, to have me come for his faggot ass? Or did he already masturbate and came when I was knocking down the door? No matter. I will take what is rightfully mine regardless.
“Punishment time, boy”.
He wanted to say something. “H-hhhh” but I didn’t let him, I grabbed his head and hit him in the face. A beautiful hook right in the jaw. Again, and again. The walls of bathroom echoed with loud bang after bang, as kept beating him over and over and over and over again. Soon my fist was drenched in his blood. He didn’t even try to resist. What weakling, he deserves it all. I think I broke something there because there was a loud crack at certain point and his face twisted at weird angle. I didn’t give a shit.