I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
Mrs. Bantam
We have a daughter who is in public school and usually my wife goes to the ‘meet the teacher’ nights as I usually stay home with our daughter while she is out. But this year, Leela was working at the hospital and I had to leave our daughter with a sitter and go to the interview myself.
I waited in the hallway patiently as the parents came and went. Finally, it was my turn to go in and see the woman my daughter described as Ms. Little. I walked into the classroom where Mrs. Bantam (her real name) was waiting for me. It was not obvious right away until she stood up to walk over and shake my hand. I was stammering a little as she introduced herself.
Mrs. Bantam was a dwarf!
A super cute one, too. I never told anyone this, but I have always fantasized about having sex with a dwarf. I know it may sound odd but it was always a deep seated desire to be with a little person. When I watch porn online, it’s midget porn. She stood about four foot two but had on heels that gave her another couple of inches. Her hair was blonde and came to her lower back but her bangs were tied back into little tails with a flower in the right one. She had big blue eyes behind a pair of blue GI glasses and she wore fleshy colored lipstick and eyeliner, but little else. She wore a one piece black dress that hugged her curvy hips and made her c-cup tits look awesome. I just wanted to throw her on the desk, tear off the black nylons and fuck her brains out. It was all I could do not to get rock hard right there.
We sat and chatted for five minutes or so about my daughter; she was getting good marks and enjoyed school,yadda yadda yadda. I must have been staring at her oddly because she asked me if I was uncomfortable with her. When I assured her it was not the case she asked me to stop staring as it made her uncomfortable. People always stared at her and it made her feel like a sideshow freak.
I looked at her and smiled a big smile at her and posed a question, “Mrs Bantam, has is ever occurred to you that they are not staring because you’re a freak, but because you are ridiculously cute?”
“Excuse me?” she said coldly.
“You’re very cute. I bet in college you had guys falling all over themselves to ask you out.”
“Well, yes and no,” she smiled as she sat back. “Some guys genuinely wanted to be with me, others just wanted to know what it was like to date a freak.”
“I would have totally came on to you,”
“Really, Mr. Wood?”
“Call me Randy, please.”
“That would be inappropriate”
I looked at the big diamond on her hand and decided I was going to try to bed her anyway. Two married people having a little sport fun.
“I don’t care,” I smiled at her. “What I want is to take you out for a drink.”
She cleared her throat. I had caught her off guard. “Mr Wood that would not be a good idea. I am…”
“Yes yes, my kid’s teacher and married. I get it. But I cannot help it. As long as I can remember I have always been turned on by little people.”
“I see.”
“I masturbate to midget porn all the time.”
“I think you should go; this is not the time or place for this type of subject.”
But there was something in her eyes that was telling me that she would consider it under the right circumstance. I wrote my cell number on a piece of paper and slid it across the desk to her.
“Maybe you can let me buy you a drink sometime, should we just happen to be in the same place at the same time.”
She cleared her throat and asked me to leave again. I smiled, thanked her for being such a great teacher, and left.
I started picking up my daughter more from school and every time I did I would flirt with the sexy little teacher and drop hints about where and when I would be free to hook up. Several weeks later I got a text from her. All it said was the name of a pub and a time.
It was a Thursday night and Leela was on another evening shift and the little one was at her grandparents for a couple of days, the timing was perfect.
I slid into the booth across the table from her. She wore a leather jacket and a blue and red striped shirt that hugged those curves and I could not wait to see how tight the jeans she was wearing were.
I ordered a beer and she sipped a glass of wine as we made small talk.
“For the record,” she said, “This is probably the worst idea ever.”
“What is?” I smiled. “I just happened to run into my kid’s teacher at a pub and said hello.”
“Sure Mist.. Randy.”
“And what is your name? Or do you want me to keep calling you Mrs. Bantam?”
“Olive, my name is Olive.”
“Mmm I wanna cover you in oil, Olive, and screw your brains out.”
“Well that is… the hottest thing anyone has said to me in a while.”
“What about your husband? If you were married to me, I would have my cock in you all the time. I would visit you at work and screw you on your desk.”
She leaned forward and smiled at me and told me she has never met anyone as graphic as I was and it turned her on. She then showed me a motel key.
“Still wanna fuck a midget, big man?”
“Oh my god, yes!”
“Ok, well I have a husband who spends more time on the road than on me, and I need from time to time a little discretionary sport fucking to keep me sane. So the deal is no strings, no bullshit, no regrets.”
“Hey I am married too, so a little strange on the side has to be discreet.”
She took my hand and led me out of the bar and we hailed a cab. In minutes we were at a cheap motel and we made out on the bed for a while until she excused herself and went into the bathroom.
I took the time to take off all my clothes and sat on the edge of the bed. After so many years of fantasizing and hoping, I was finally going to have a little person to myself. The door opened and she walked out wearing a pair of aqua colored hipsters with dark lace trimmings, her bra matched. Her long golden hair fell down around her face as she sauntered across the room.
Running her hands up my thigh, she quickly wrapped her cute lips around my shaft and slowly and deeply sucked me hard. I leaned back on my elbows as the little wonder deep throated me and played with my balls.
“Fuck, Olive, that is fucking amazing!” I sat up and pulled her off my dick and kissed her deep and long, squeezing her tits and ass as she jerked me off.
I told her to lay on the bed and I got onto my stomach and pushed her legs apart as I pulled off the panties and began licking her hairy pussy. I let my tongue dance off her clit and labia as she moaned her approval with her hands in my hair.
“Jesus, Randy, push deeper,” she begged as I felt her begin to hump my face. “I am soo goddamn wet I could just loose it right now.”
“Don’t hold back darling, if it feels good do it.”
I stuck two fingers into her watery pussy and licked her slit mercilessly as she arched her back and at last squirted all over my face. Not a little either, but a lot. I gagged on it almost.
Not wasting time, I knelt between her legs and drove my dick into her while she was still moaning. Holding her legs out and way apart, I slid in deep and drilled her hard as the sheets soaked with her come.
“Holy shit, Olive,” I panted. “I wish I could come like that.”
“Hey, it was my first time too,” she panted.
“I guess being a little whore is the ultimate turn on.”
“Oh god, you have no idea!” She kissed me hard. “I wanna ride you. Ride you so fucking hard!”
I rolled over onto my back and she stood over me and squatted on my dick, shiny from her pussy juice. She bucked and bucked like I was a bull at a rodeo, even leaning on my chest for balance as she became like a wild woman possessed by passion.
“Oh fuck, I am going to come again,” she whimpered.
As she dropped onto her knees I grabbed the back of her head with one hand and her ass with the other and moved my dick in her like a piston on high rev. She came just as hard the second time, squirting again and making me even stickier with her sweet come.
I could tell she was getting worn out so I put her on her side and had her get into the fetal position and I entered her again. Holding her shoulders for leverage, I pump fucked her hard, causing a wet skin on skin slush as I squeezed her tits and bit her neck.
“Come, you bastard,” she begged. “ I am going to walk funny tomorrow if you keep this up,” she giggled.
“Ya wanna feel your pussy full with my seed, hun?” I whispered in her ear with naughty lust.
“Fill my little cunt with your come!” she demanded.
“You want it?”
“Fucking right I want it!”
I rolled her onto her back and slid into her again. I slid my hands under her shoulders and lifted her up as she hugged my shoulders and gripped my thighs with her legs and we kissed as I felt the juice in my balls come to a boil and I filled her little twat with hot, thick seed.
We stayed locked in the embrace for a few minutes until she slid back onto the bed and I laid down beside her.
We parted ways around midnight and I went home and showered and got into bed just before my wife got home.
Now you know where I go most Thursday nights.
(Image Source: Forbidden Fruits Films)