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My Seductive Prince

Finally! This night has finally come. It feels as though I have waited an eternity for this night. I can't wait, this is going to be the most perfect night of my life! Here I am in the perfect hotel room waiting for the perfect lover. My whole body i
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We are supposed to meet in the park, for our first date. You arrive, and find me feeding the park's ducks and geese. We greet one another, and I hand you some bread to break up and toss to the ravenous birds. It is late spring, so there are several h
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The Usual Weekend

It could have been any other weekend for all I cared. It was Saturday night. I was home alone. My husband was out with "the guys" doing their usual thing. He had invited me to go along but as usual I said no, trying to hint to him I wanted to go out
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A Marriage Agreement Part 5

Once Tom had the lights turned off, he started the long walk upstairs. His wife was in the bathroom when he entered the room. He folded back the covers on the bed and lay down. When she entered from the master bath, Tom had expected her to be ready t
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A Marriage Agreement Part 4

Tom reached his home and noticed the lights on downstairs. This was unusual as his wife was always in bed when he got home late. He walked in to find her reading a book on the sofa. What really caught his attention was her attire. She looked like a m
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If only it were real

I've talked to him over the internet for over 5 months now. He lives 2 hours aways and I thought I'd never meet him...until today. I was just coming out of the art building when he walked up to me and asked who I was. I told him and he introduce
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A Marriage Agreement Part 3

When Tom had completed his task, Ellen pulled his head into her crotch. "Smell", she ordered. "Smell the scent you will learn to love". Tom could smell her arousal through her shorts. He wanted to lick her, but dared not to try or ask. After a fe
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A Marriage Agreement Part 2

Tom arrived home to find his wife already in bed. He went about his usual routine so as not to arouse her suspicion. He slipped into bed not really knowing if she was asleep or not. She rolled over and ask how the meeting went. Boring was the first w
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