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Self Portrait

Self Portrait I stand nervous and shivering aware of the slight tremor of the sheer white Egyptian cotton gown which drapes my body. I can also see the fabric move with the beating of my heart. I wait for him to come, the anticipation
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The Table

The Table She is bending over a table kneading bread dressed in french cut panties and a loose, long white cotton t-shirt which doesn't cover her bottom in her position. He stands watching the natural gentle rocking of her hips as her hands love
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The Formal Spanking

A Formal Spanking Victor ran to the front door to stop Synth before she could get into the bronze Jeep. "Hey, Synth, wait a minute," he hollered just as she began to slide behind the wheel. She stood her expression puzzled. "I know you do
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Actually one must be dare enough to face the truth of life and when the subconscious dream of your mind turns into reality in your life, I feel that every living being feels dare enough to face it. I am a guy of 20 years old and I am talking of my fi
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My husband and I had been married now for five years. We had done and shared every possible sexual act that a couple can. We had anal sex, fisting, bondage, golden showers, orgies, and public sex, everything that you can imagine. There was only one b
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