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The Neighbor

This story began on a hot summer evening when I was about 9 or 10. My friend and I raised rabbits and would often be seen entering each other's backyard unescorted. This particular evening my friend and his sexy mom had left the house to go shopping
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Hairless Hottie

How we met, to me, is one of the sexiest parts of the story. It was back when I was in shoe-biz, Yeah, I was the manager of a relatively upscale shoe store located in Perimeter Mall, on the I-285 beltway around Atlanta, Georgia. I guess you coul
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Shower to Shower

Hot, steamy streams of water from the shower-head hit Jay and Rita's bodies making them feel warm, wet and increasingly relaxed. When they looked into one another's eyes, the love they saw there was clearly evident. Holding onto the wall for support,
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The narcissistic vixen

Jenny wasn't the kind of girl men hope for she broke the molds .While most girls ignore their own pleasure jenny didn't deny her clit. Not only did she not care is her lover had achieved orgasmic bliss. But she demanded that she cum from behind w
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The Dew of the Orchid

In order for you to know my story, you must first know who I am. I am the monarch of a small principality surrounded on three sides by mountains. And although my realm is hardly a shiny pebble in regional politics, my palace seems endlessly permeated
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A Taste for Yellow

Karen thought about buying Evidence Eradicator 3.0 for a few weeks. The only problem was that she didn't know how she'd hide the purchase from her husband. It might eradicate the evidence of her Internet foibles, but it didn't eradicate the evidence
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