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Pee-ping Helen

Helen was walking towards the showers in the dressingroom, she was still wearing her bathingsuit. She had enjoyed the three hours she had spent at the swimmingpool. There weren't many people here today, mostly young girls. She heard some giggling
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Henry and Margot

The third date was set for the following Saturday, in sequence with the other two. Henry wanted to see her before then, but Margot was really too busy with work and her part-time college classes. But he did talk with her about her interest in this ac
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It was the first time I had been to Fred's house and it was difficult not to marvel at the old Ford and ancient Chevrolet parked outside his two car garage. They were spotless and waxed to high shines. His huge living room was lined with anti
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Jemima Pt. 2

"So what kept you? Give the posh bird a length?" Paul's pissing himself. I've just walked into The Britannia and it's gone half nine. I've missed the football and it's obvious, as I have to ask the score; Leeds have held them 0-0 away and just have t
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You want a story? I'll give you a bloody story, but I warn you now, if you're looking for a quick fix and cheap thrill, get yourself a fucking video. Make sure it's one of those Yank formulaic videos, you know the kind I mean; boy meets girl, girl go
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Pee Pals

I'm not sure when my attraction to women who wet their pants started, but it was when I was younger. Ever since I can remember I have been very powerfully attracted to girls who, although obviously old enough to know better, would wet their pants any
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Harry looked around to see if anyone was looking, and said out loud to himself, "Good, the coast is clear," and then quickly from under his coat he produced a half liter bottle filled with a colorless that appeared to be water, but in reality was
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Pee Pistol

``Four students built them.'' It was a stuffy afternoon in a junk shop on the cobbled crescent that led downhill from the engineering department. The shopkeeper and I stood at the counter, looking at a plastic water pistol of the kind that can be bou
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The Hunt

Putting the finishing touches on my lips i stand back from the mirror without really seeing i know that im pleased with what they will see,there illusions shall be,there fantasy's meet and my deep burning hunger will be satisfied before the dawns lig
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