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Cold Bathroom

Madeleine lived with two other women in a top floor flat. It was a good place to live, but it had one major drawback. The bathroom was down a flight of stairs, outside the door of the flat itself. In the winter it became very, very cold. She'd lost c
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Pissing on My Lover

It's late in the evening and I'm just sitting on the floor in my shorts watching a movie on the Playboy channel and sucking on a cold beer when the door opens and Sally walks in. She's really looking fine in a short, leather mini skirt and a shee
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The Professionals

I have had many, many watersports experiences with many prostitutes over the past five or six years. Most professionals will accommodate this urge, but of course it is best if you notify them an hour or so beforehand, so they can prepare by drink
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First Time Motherfucker

This story is true. It's about the first time I fucked my mother. I've fucked her periodically ever since. During my growing up, we only did it a few times (I think she was ashamed). I am now in my thirties and married, and live far away from her now
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Working for an accounting firm for 5 years, I have been handling large accounts. A friend suggested no one would notice if a couple of thousands of dollars here and there were missing. I took the advice. Everything went well, unnoticeable for a
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Shower Scene

I walk into your house, as I've done for so long. But today I have another purpose. I call for you, but get no answer. As I make my way through the house, I hear the shower. I walk into the bathroom and notice that you are facing away from me i
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Rainy Jeans and Wet Spots

A few weeks after I had seen my cousin peeing through her swimsuit, I was home alone, listening to some music in my bedroom. I felt the urge to pee, but as always when I was alone, I held it back by standing cross-legged; now and then holding a hand
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