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It was always the same in every little town and hamlet that the carnival stopped in. Walt would try and hook up with some of the local talent for the four or five days they were in town. To a homey, the life of a carny roustabout seemed like a glamor
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The limo eased it's way through the traffic, keeping its three passengers oblivious to the outside world. Sitting between Steffi and Edward Colter, Dani made whimpering sounds and mumbling pleas not to make her go. A sharp reprimand by Edward only
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Pizza Girl

I was in a rut. Another Friday night alone. Just like last Friday and the one before that. Sitting here watching some stupid info-mercial aimed at inbred trailer trash. My God- I was watching and thinking of buying the asinine product!!! I needed t
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Cherry Popping

Jeanine the virgin, looked up at Robert with apprehensive eyes. He smiled down at her with a barely concealed contempt that made her both revolt against him... and desire him. He told her, without ceremony, to lie face down on the bed, with a pillow
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She paced, or sat with a worried expression, or flounced. Jennifer had found herself with a serious problem on her hands! In the first place, among her set, in order to get to the prom, you had to put out in order to get a date. That was the heaviest
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Surprise From the Lesbians

Marie went to a pool party with some of her friends,Sam,Abby,and Laura.She thought everything was fine.She and her friends had been swimming for hours.They decided it was enough.They all went to seperate rooms to change.The room Marie was in had a li
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The Entertainer

Jack was desperate! He was down to his last c-note, and with no real job prospects, he was starting to get the feeling that he wasn't long for his apartment and would soon be out on the street. Every day he walked to the library and poured over the c
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