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A Favor For Rick

Lisa arrived home after a day of marathon shopping exhausted yet happy. Rick was taking her out tonight to celebrate the promotion he had received last week. Dinner and then to the symphony – Lisa was still trying to figure out how he got tickets o
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Welcome Home

WELCOME HOME On a hot summer afternoon in the year 1888, a ferry near the northeast Texas town of Powderville. A barred prison wagon with four chained men in the back is driven up a bank by two men, US Marshall Wes Munday and his deputy Charlie.
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Evening Class

Evening Class As a college student, I have tried on several occasions to prove my professor wrong on assignments and lab work. After class one evening the professor asked me to stay behind, as he wanted to speak to me about my attitude in class.
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Who Started It

WHO STARTED IT A new female principal has started at an all-girls school. She has only been on the job two days and already she has three girls that have been turned in for discipline. She has read the report document turned in by the girls'
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Handymen for Hire

i placed an ad on the internet that said "handyman for hire" the next day my landlord hired meet to paint his fence so i took the job the next day when i started it was so hot i took my shirt off and thats when it started. kathy a youg 40 yr.
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An encounter with an Oriental female

It was a few yeas ago really. I have been bursting to tell this to someone out there who could benefit from my experience. Yes I am confused to say the list. What are we all afraid of ? We live in a society that has become so litigatious that we insu
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RAVEN Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore-- While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber do
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Désirs de Madame Marguerite

Désirs de Madame Marguerite Lord Andrew, my heart, my husband is the light of my life. We live in a modest home known as Langley Manor. My husband is one of King David's knights; they grew together as childhood friends. The Vicar Ryan lives upon
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