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I was in the shower taking my time as the warm water splashed over me. I was also stroking my cock as most young boys of 15 do. Suddenly the door opened and my mom came in to use the toilet. Lately she had done this often. Only this time she caug
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I was in an apartment building when two BIG BLACK WOMEN forcefully took me into their apartment. I am white and became somewhat timid when they both started verbally abusing me and feeling me up and down. These women were probably 250 lbs and str
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My teacher and his toys.

My name is Lyndzi, and I want to tell you the very dirty things I did with Mr. Rogers, my chemistry teacher. Mr. Rogers is very sexy, very distinctive man. He is in his late forties, and looks about 30. Dark brown hair, 6'4,and about 250 lbs. of musc
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The Mile HIgh Club

The Mile High Club I will always remember my first plane trip fondly. To this day I can't board a plane without a giving a fond little smile to the thought. I had just turned 18 and was heading from Miami to New York to visit my Aunt for the su
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The Mile High Club

The Mile High Club I will always remember my first plane trip fondly. To this day I can't board a plane without a giving a fond little smile to the thought. I had just turned 18 and was heading from Miami to New York to visit my Aunt for the sum
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My very first shagging (english style)

I got off the city bus nervous and scared. I walked toward the poor little building and looked at the sign above it. Flashing green "no vacancy". I breathed deep and walked around the blocky motel. Shifting my eyes at each room number I thought I wou
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