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Fraternal Love Part I

I'm Daniel 37 years old, I work for a computer firm, and I work as a web developer. My wife and I got married at the young age of 19 and she was 18. I have two daughters Irish who is 16 years old, and the other is Irene 15 years old. My wife a
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Double Dip

I love looking at my wife. I love watching her get dressed and undressed. But, I was more interested in her past lovers and watching her get fucked than fucking her myself. It was an obsession and I had to figure a way to get her active with other me
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Best Friend Surprise

This is a story about how fun it is to be drunk and surprised by friends... My name is Nia and up until last night I had no idea how much I liked group sex. My friend Jackie and I were supposed to be going out to celebrate graduation. She had
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My best friend

I have always been attracted to my best friends wife. I have known her for almost ten years since they were first dating. We have always gotten along great. I love being around her. She is a great friend, almost like a sister. She is outgoing and fun
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Journals 2

Sept. 16, 2001- Well Larry passed my class. LOL! Well not LOL cause if I did my students would think I was weird. God Larry was so good yesterday I hope more of the same comes along. Bob is still in Florida he should be home soon. He told me that he
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A Teasesr gets her due

I have been told that I have a nice body, and it is always nice to hear that. I live in an apartment complex and in order to maintain my so-called "nice figure" I jog around the apartments. Since I have been jogging I have noticed a certian man tha
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lunch break

Feeling very horny today just finished putting the shopping away, decided I would take my boyfriend Dave some lunch at work, I grabbed the cooler bag and placed some ice cubes in a candle, binding tape, black cloth, 4 pegs couple and of soft drinks a
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