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My Old Job

When I was 20 and going to college in New York City, I needed to find a night job so my days were free for classes. While perusing the classifieds, I came across an ad that read "The Dungeon-Mistresses Wanted." That's interesting, I thought, much bet
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getting oily

Belinda was on her way home from her shopping trip. She was an avid music lover, she reached into the glove box and pulled out her new copy of Ronan Keatings Destination album and slipped it into the CD Player. Her Mercedes hadn't been running too s
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Mr. Smith my new master!

It was my Freshman year of high school. New to the staff and faculty, but one faculty member I grew fond of was my Alegabra teacher Mr. Smith. He was about the age of twenty-six was about 5'11" blonde hair, blue eyes built, and was the head coach of
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The talent show

The talent show -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Laura was beginning to feel some excitement concerning her involvement in the Band despite her initial misgivings. As her part in the Festiva
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I take you by the hand and lead you into the bathroom. I have already lit three candles and turned on some soft music. The tub is filled with a warm/hot bath and I take a decanter of sandalwood oil and sprinkle some into the water. I turn to face you
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