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She wouln

When we get back home after dropping off the kids you ask me to take out the garbage. I say "It's not even half full." But you give me "the look" and I take it out anyway. When I get back, all the lights are off except one coming from up stairs. I fo
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My Slave – Part One

My Slave I am already for when my man gets in. I have dressed in my long black skirt, which has the spilt up the front, right up to about an inch from my clean-shaven pussy. I have on no underwear and on my top half; I have nothing but a light b
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I am a pure blood. I know many of you have seen Hermophrodites on television, some may actually know one, but I am different. It all started centuries ago in ancient Greece when the gods ruled... My grandmother was a beautiful woman. She was pe
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Somewhere In Time – A TWILIGHT ZONE story

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind; a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of the imagination. Next stop: THE TWILIGHT ZONE. -Rod Serling Somewhere In Time - A TWILI
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It was now 10:22. She had told him 9:50. Shawn sat on a wooden bench on the corner or Smith and Walnut. It was not the most desirable day to be sitting outside waiting, it was cold and a drizzle had just started. He began to hum softly, stoppin
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