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The computer room

Computer Room Gently I turned the knob, careful not to slam the door I crept into the computer room, tiptoe-ing on the floor. I made my way to where you sat, until you were in view Careful not to give away, what I was intent to do.
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Beachfront Fantasy

At a beachfront hotel in the Bahamas, there was no wind on this quiet evening. The moon was in quarter phase and you could hear the gentle splashing of the waves against the beach. It was after midnight, so the normal crowd noise at this beautiful re
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a mothers love

hi! my name is betty. i'm 34, but can easily pass for 25.i think it's my little girl face, and the fact that i've always took pains to keep my skin nice and smooth.i'm 5'6" tall, and weigh 119 lbs.i have brown, shoulder length hair,slightly curly. i
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Humiliation at the hands of a stranger

I was walking to my car after cheerleading practice. It was dark out, and i couldn't find my keys. All of a sudden, someone grabbed me from behind, and pulled me into a car. He then proceeded to blindfold and gag me and tie my arms and legs together.
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I met his eyes first

Here I am, captured in them, His eyes wide and bright He couldn't be more handsome, Even in this dim light He moves to sit right next to me, I catch my breath in my chest His touch is soft, his kiss is sweet Must I tell you the rest? (
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My Neighbor, My Husband, and I

My Husband, My Neighbor, and I It all started with the simple flirting on the instant messenger. And even in the beginning it was nothing. But I couldn't help but noticing the feelings I was starting to develop for my neighbor, Joe. He had
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