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Zoeys Party

Zoey was very popular in school but was never the stuck up bitch that everyone would have thought. She was head cheerleader and dated the captain of the football team and made high honors. she was perfect! Zoeys parents had gone on a vacation for thi
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fucking so wild

fuck me put your dick in her lick her pussy pull her titties ride his dick suck it tickle his balls w/ your tongue am moaning in extascy his dick is touching my walls we started fucking around 1am and it is now 2am it smells like pussy am bound to ge
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hot summer day

The hot summer days On a hot summer I had a fight with my husband and so decided to stay in my room till he went, the time passed and after about an hour I decided to take a dip in our backyard pool with my daughter [Debby 14]. While we were going
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home sweet home

Home sweet home [adults only] I was born on a farm in the highlands of Europe, and as grew up I saw many such scenes that got me aroused like mating of dogs, cows and especially horses whose pric fascinated me as I had ne
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home sweet home

Home sweet home [adults only] I was born on a farm in the highlands of Europe, and as grew up I saw many such scenes that got me aroused like mating of dogs, cows and especially horses whose pric fascinated me as I had ne
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My first bi/couple experience.

I didnt always know I was attracted to women, but my husband and I would watch porn together, and those parts really excited me. So one night I told my husband I wanted to have sex with another woman, of course, he didnt object. We started going to a
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The Naughty Nurse

Im always hot. Im always wet. Im thirty three years old and have never been married. Maybe because my sexuality is a bit wild. I love men, women and anything that can be stuck inside my pussy. As a child i wanted to become a hooker or a stripper. I
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Connie watched from the seclusion of her darkened apartment as Don plunged his cock in and out of the woman. They were standing beside his bed, his knees bent so that he could enter her from behind as she bent over to support herself. She was shorter
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Suprise Party

One day Jo's parents invited his girlfriend over for her birthday.Ding dong. It was Jenna.Happy birthday.Thanks she said happily.Jenna lets go in my room to play. Okay. Get in bed and take your clothes off,he said.Okay.Jonathon stood up over her and
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