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stuck and horny

it was a hot summer day and my friend Katie and I was going away for the day/night , just to get away from college and our boyfriends for the night. well we arive at my family's cabin in the mountains around 3:00 pm, so we decide to go hiking and sig
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My name is Galieni and I am a Wood Elf. No, I don't have any relatives that know Santa Claus and yes, elves do exist. We have many races but you need only know about mine own. I am basically human except I have pointed ears and eyesight that is
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the demons within part ii

(first a message from the author of "the demons within. first i would like to apologize for the latness of this chapter. i have had to battle my own demons and the demon bitch that i use to be married to took everything includeing my pc, i am sorry
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Silk and Velvet

Velvet and Silk ______________________ It's just about sunset, you can hear the birds settling in for the night. The river's rushing just below you, the trees are swaying back and forth swish swish. You have just restocked your fire to begin
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Mandy`s new bike

MANDY`S NEW BIKE Mandy lived between Headcorn and Pluckley right in the heart of the Kent coutryside.She lived with her stepmum as she had lost both her parents at a young age. Mandy did have a stepdad but in recent years he had left and deserted
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