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triple dog dare

Mindy asked her Mom if she could throw a slumber party for some of her friends. Her Mom didn't want to, but finally gave in. Because you see Mindys Mom wasn't going to home that night. So Mindy called up seven of her girlfriends and asked them over f
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Moving Day

Marcy was getting really impatient. They were supposed to have arrived over an hour ago and still she waited. The moving company was charging by the bloody hour...100 bucks a bloody hour...and still she waited.
Just as she was reaching for the
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jeanie's monster

this story required a disclaimer. whether this story is true or not, is a question i
have chosen to leave to the reader.
i married at what i consider a young age. 18. we lived in a small town n
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Jermey brings a friend

Jermey emailed me and said same location honey, and this time I will be bringing Mike along. I said who the hell is Mike? Jermey said just a friend who can't believe the good blowjobs you give Sue. So I said you might do him. Jermey I don't think so.
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My First Time With a Black Man

My insurance agent's office is only a block away from my cond so I just pay my bill for my car insurance in person. This past saturday the bill came in the mail so I walked down to pay it. It was a prety nice day for February in Seattle so I was just
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Jeez, he finally asks me. I've been trying to get Mr. Vargas to give me extra credit in Spanish class since the first of the semester. You know just to pad my college application. But it's like he's been avoiding me. I don't think he li
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To Punish A Wife..(Part 1)

As she hung blindfolded from the ceiling she wondered what kind of punishment her master had planned for her..she thought back to thier conversation and the look on his face when he explained to her that this would be a punishment that would far exce
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