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My First Time

During the summer between my junior and senior year in highschool, I got a few odd jobs around the nieghborhood mowing laws and stuff. Our neighbors on the end of the block, Fern and David had lived there forever and had known me since I was born. Th
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The Hunger

I see my Master at his computer, I watch him surf the net from the couch while watching TV. Suddenly this urge to fuck him hits me soo badly. I ache all over to feel him inside. I walk up behind my Master and put my arms around his neck in a lose hu
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Threes the way

I'm hanging out in a bar one night, (I'm a guy 6ft 4 Dark red hair and hazel eyes, around 190 pounds. ) begin to drink a little but no where close to drunk, so i don't have to worry about having a coyote ugly tomorrow mourning when i wake up. I then
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The swimming pool meeting !

It was a lovely warm summers day so I decided to go for a dip in the local pool in the town where I was staying for the weekend. As I began to undress in the changing room, another woman entered. We exchanged polite smiles as we changed into our cost
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She Always Knew Chapter III

She Always Knew
Chapter III

Steve was troubled. He wasn't a violent man by nature although he was trained in many disciplines of martial arts. That training along with every instinct, tended toward defense. He never initiated a confrontat
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