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Elevator Sex

We had a power outage last night. Nothing unusual about that, except for the memory sucn an event always brings back: my first and only fuck in an elevator; not just an ordinary fuck either, but an ass-fuck. A long time ago. I was returnin
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King and I

The story I am about to tell you happened not too long ago, my wife was away
on a business trip and I was alone with our Dog King for 2 weeks.

Let me start to tell you about Teresa, she is adoreable and the neignours daughter,
her 18 y
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my loving husband

My husband knows everything that pleases me. He is the best lover I have ever had in my life. He always amazes me with the new ideas he comes up with.
For my birthday last year he took me to a romantic hotel with a view of the ocean. We had a king
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Night Visitor

I was lying in bed on a summer night. I had a thin sheet over me, and I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking how long it had been since I'd had a good fucking. I could feel my pussy starting to drip, and my nipples were rock hard.

I used both ha
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Yes the order is yours

Elizabeth was cute. She had been aggresively tryiong to get my business on a commodity that we buy annually. last year she was turned down and while we met, Liz told me that her company was going to make some changes if their salespeople did not get
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OK, here's the deal. I am your new chauffeur and I pick you up but I am running late. You are not happy about this and show your displeasure by calling me into your house. You push me to my knees and demand an apology. I halfheartedly apologize but t
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