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It Takes Time

Cameron Thomas sat at the window of his 23rd floor apartment, reading. The day was a grey one, with the threat of a storm. He looked up from his book and stretched. He'd been engrossed in the book for the majority of the day. It was approaching 4 o'
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Sex chat

Hi everyone!

I'm Emilie. I just had to tell you about the chat that i had the other evening.

I went to the computer room at the University with my cousin. She was gonna meet me there after her course. I was sitting there alone and i w
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Mine and Trish's first Orgy together pt1

It was 2:00 am and I was horny as hell. So I invited my girlfriend who was wild as they come to come over. When she arrived she took me to her sorority, which was filled with slutty and wild girls. When I got there only 3 other girls were there, ther
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My girl

My girl
Well it was 8:00 Pm and I was waiting for my girlfriend to come over. It was our anniversary and she said she was coming over for a surprise. I thought it was gonna be our first time FINALLY but my hopes weren’t high considering she
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Long Time Since…Part 3

Long Time Since... Part 3

Ahhhh....the best part.....
Eventually, I spot the cigarettes on the dresser, stepping over him; I lean over the dresser to pick them up. That's when I feel his hands on my ass cheeks. Roughly he pulls them wid
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