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A Co-Worker

It was 2 p.m. and I had just go off work and needed to go pee really bad, I had been in the bathroom for about five or 7 minutes when I heard a knock and then my co-worker Katie. She said she needed to use the bathroom really bad, I told her I was al
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This was my dream this morning. As with most of my steamy dreams, it started in Chicago, in a posh hotel on Michigan Ave. This one started in the lounge. We all began a game of pool - the players were Sam, Scott, me and perhaps a fourth faceless p
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The Perfect Stranger

From the beginning of our relationship my wife and I have been a bit more exploring in our sexual escapades than most people usually are. And we have always been able to tell each other what our deepest fantasies are. So tonight I am going to put o
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What an Experience

What an Experience

She met him at work, she found him attractive but was nervous. You see she had never been with a black man before but the thought of it excited her. He was what you would call tall dark and handsome. They flirted for months
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