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A Close Shave

Issy prepares herself for Shane who is coming round to stay the night. She languishes in the bath, her nipples hard and erect with anticipation, begging to be stroked. She can't hold back any longer and gives in, gently teasing them, pulling and pi
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My Day Off.

My Day Off.

I woke up early one saturday morning bummed out due to the previous night.
My girlfriend broke up with me the night before. She said I never paid attention to her.
She had the biggest tits I have ever seen in my short l
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Bradly and Jennifer part 2.

Brad and Jenn part 2

It was near the end of June and Jennifer and her girlfriend were washing her jeep after they went four wheeling in the hills this past weekend.  Brad was watching his older sister Jennifer and her friend washing the Jeep.
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Party Favor

I went to a costume party when I was sixteen for fall harvest celebration. I was five feet five and one hundred ten pounds, small and petite for a boy. My body was little and smooth from my face to my toes. I never had any fuzz to speak about. I
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Becky's Dreams come true.

Becky Love was lonely since she could remember. It had been such a long time since she had been with a man, she could hardly remember when. Her problem was the one hundred fifty pounds she had gained in the past years. She was now tipping the scale s
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Crystals First Orgie.

We walked along the beach with our drink's in our hand's.

When we got to Mike's house I secretly wanted to be in his bedroom, the door was closed and I heard someone in the other room. I asked: "So who's here?"

He smiled and told me:
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