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Cum in the woods


Jan and Jack walked hand in hand through the wooded glade that led from the park. Jan felt a sudden urge, her mind was full to overflowing of sensual sexual thoughts, which she tried to suppress, but to no avail. S
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Waking up is "HARD" to do

As the sun began to invade our Saturday morning, I awoke well rested from the fucking frenzy the night before. I stretched and continued to rest without fully waking up. You were still sound asleep. I listened to your body exchange easy breaths. Life
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surprize 1

I want to crawl into bed with you while you are sound asleep. Crawl underneath the covers and release your manhood from your boxers. You moved a little bit, not enough to wake you. I grabbed onto it and likced the tip bringing it to some attention
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Cum in the Woods


Nikki and Jack walked hand in hand through the wooded glade that led from the park. Nikki felt a sudden urge, her mind was full to overflowing of sensual sexual thoughts, which she tried to suppress, but to no avai
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Suprise in the office by Rick

Surprise in the office
By Rick

Things had changed quite a bit in the office . Judy had moved to Albany to be near her grand children and I had a new job on top of my old one . The new girl Susanna was a real knock out tall blonde and beaut
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