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Drowning in Rain

Even after so much time, I always thought I could feel that night over and over. If I closed my eyes and held very still, the scent of sea air and wood smoke would engage my senses and my mind would respond by igniting my body.

The caress of
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A hot afternoon of just as ot sex

Since you last heard from me I have only been with Missy. She made me feel so cheap that first week. Now I am looking for a new love to make me wid with desire. Let me tell you what I am looking for. If you fit my descroption, lets give it a try....<
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The shower thing

I came home from another nights work, it was about 4 am. My wife met me at the door with a nasty smerk on her face. She said she had something to show me. She led me to the bathroom and opened the shower door. There were two eye bolts screwed int
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