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The New Boy

"Well I think he's cute," Nancy said defensively, "just because he's not the captain of the football team doesn't mean he wouldn't be fun to go out with!!!" Becky rolled her eyes in exasperation and replied, "Good grief, Nan, he looks like a wimp,
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Morning Love

Jessica listened as her mother's car pulled out of the driveway and then tiptoed into her mother's room. Bobby, her mother's boyfriend was sleeping quietly in the soft morning light. She was horny with excitement and her pussy was already get
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The dream job

Sean had finally gotten the transfer he had wanted all along. He had been in the education industry so far for this aim. He had this dream when he was a student, and now he finally had a chance to realise his dream.

He sat in the office sm
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for mitch….i would….part 1

i sat on the bed with a colt 45 to my head. getting ready to play my last game of russian roulette. i have no family they disowned me. every girl i been with just wanted between my legs. but i already knew i didn't have much time left. i was diagoian
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what a cruise!

This was Jack's first time on a cruise ship and I wanted to make it very special for him. He's 6'3", faint six pack, part time model, (brown hair with blond tips. Looks great in tight shirts!) Anyway, Im getting ahead of myself.
We stopped at a
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The reunion

It was the summer of 2003, it has been 6 months since he moved. Oh how I missed him.....his light brown hair, his hazel eyes, his daring smile. Every girl would fall for him. One night I got a call from Veronica, she told me that he was in town for a
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School Spirit

It was school spirit week at my high school. This meant that we had different dress-up days. Today it was pajama day for underclassmen, and toga day for seniors. My best friend mike, and I decided to just wear boxers for pajama day. So, we went to sc
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My first time at the sex store

This story is about a girl named Tania, who dreams of having all the dildos and vibrators in the world. All her friends knew she gets horny and fingers herself. So, one day, we decided to go to the mall. Tania called up some friends on the phone and
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