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the best tip yet

I had just finished college with my degree and did'nt expect to be waitressing but this was a 4 star restaurant and the money was great.After a few months I noticed many regular customers were wealthy and were requesting me.I'm 5'8",nice blonde hair
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for all to see

its was the start of a new term we had just got our new timetable my first lesson was science i was thinking great thats all i need at the start of every monday morning. anyway off i went we sat down and the teacher started ranting about something or
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Sarah's New Friend

It was a sunny summer afternoon in the depths of Texas. Nineteen year old Sarah walked over to her twenty year old best friend Abby's house looking for comfort, her boyfriend had just dumped her. She rang the doorbell several times before Abby haph
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18 year old Virgin..learns to seduce

Tori grew up unsatisfied with the guys in New Orleans, she wanted to perfect guy to take everything from her...first kiss to virginity. She been through crushing on just silly boys in high school. She was so shy she didn't let anyone know about the
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The sex part 2

After I took a shower and Judy dried me off, we all sat on her bed.
was smoking a cigaret. "Now listen you two" she spoke. "you are not to
do this by yourselves, Tracie will blow you again, we will see if she
swallow you, i
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One night I was up late at night having a conversation with my friend Chris. I had my webcam on and I was feeling very horny. I told him that I did something that he might like. So as he's watching me on my webcam, I slowly take off my pants and my s
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