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Getting Revenge On My Wife!

I was born with a very small cock. I can't hide or deny that fact. It is about 4 inches long when hard, and barely an inch and a half or so when soft. My wife says that I more than make up for my shortcoming by being incredible at eating pussy, so I
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What My First Kiss Turned Into

My first "boyfriend" was someone I pecked chastely on the lips when I was 8 years old. His name was Joey, and he was only 5 then - he was the cutest boy I had ever seen. Not long after our big kiss, my family moved far away. We came back to vi
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My Friends, My Lovers

My Friends, My lovers

It started out so innocently that I'm not sure how it happened. Erica and her husband Dave came over for a little dinner with me and Joe. Dave was a nice looking guy but that's as far as it ever went in
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A typical weekend

My name is Frankie, I'm 15 years old and a couple of weekends ago I had the best time ever! I was at school on the Friday afternoon knowing that my boyfriend, Greg, was on his way to see me. Greg is in the Army. So he is very physically fit and has
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Rosemary 4

Rosemary 4 - The Convention

At work on Monday I had to start preparations for my speech that I would be giving at the convention. Apart from Anthony the Vice President and Ken my immediate boss, I was the only office person travelling to Chica
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Old Ladies Need It Too!

I was kind of a late bloomer when it came to sex. At 17, I was still a virgin, and in 1983, that was considered a little late. I was raised in a very strict, church going home. In fact, we went to church every Sunday,(twice!) and every wednesday nigh
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