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Upside Down, Again

"Gotcha again." Trisha said with a smile.

Trisha sprung up off the bed and the sisters wrapped each other in a loose embrace. After a series of soft kisses, the two girls smiled warmly as they stared into each other's eyes.

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Upside Down

Rachel bit her lower lip and whimpered meekly as she neared a frantic orgasm; her nimble fingers nothing but a blur as they deftly manipulated her burning clit. The beautiful blonde then moaned out and grabbed her sheets with her free hand as her hip
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first time

I was driving my truck around town as a delivery and saw a black chik walking down the side walk and i stopped asked her what she was doing and i noticed it was a guy in drag. i have never tried to pick up a guy before so i stared for a minute and a
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Jennifer continues to learn

After a short sleep Jennifer woke up in her cell. She found a note next to her bed that said "Congratulations you did well at your first task. You will watch the tapes we left you. You will be tested so don't miss anything. This is a slut who
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