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Weekend With Anderson

Chapter 3
Sherry heard Kevin's moans faintly from upstairs and smiled to herself, "He must be thinking he is the luckiest guy in town tonight and is going to get more pussy than he can handle!" A giggle slipped out and she thought as she la
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Weekend With Anderson

Chapter 1 Traffic had been a madhouse and Kevin Hamm walked into the offices of Trans-Electron at precisely 4 minutes after 9 in the morning. "Damn!" Kevin muttered, straighten his jacket, and thought to himself, "Almost on time anyway...even
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High School Part 1

Mike had recently turned 18 and loved the girls at his high school. He was however to shy to ask most of them to do anything even if it was minor like how was your day. He spent his nights masterbating to fantasies of the girls he only wished he co
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I woke up late one morning got up and opened the curtains to see my sister and her two friends sunbathing topless by the pool. My sister is short 5'3" large breasts 38d slim waist that nobody ever see's because she wears fru
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Mummy pt 2

Pt 2.

I heard the door bell go after a few hours. I heard the door open and then a number of people entering chatting loudly. They got louder as they enter the room and continued chatting until my mother called for order. They talked about clu
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