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Teaching little Meg

It had been a normal, boring day and i had just gotten home from football practice. I took a shower and after getting dressed,
I went downstairs to watch TV for a while. It was 7:00 on a Friday night and I had nothing to do, but my parents were g
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Fun After A Funeral

It all began at my grandaunt's funeral. The whole family was there and this attractive redhead said, "Hello cousin Jake. How are you?" Then she walked away. I asked my Mom who she was.
"That's your cousin Alice. Well, she is your third cousin onc
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Manisha, A Nice Experience

Manisha The Experience

I am Raju aged 18. I am staying with my uncle in a posh apartment in Chennai. I am studying for Hotel Management course and was doing my training at one of the five star hotels in Chennai. I used to go to a Gymnasium .I
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London : The sequel

London : The Sequel

The next morning my mom yelled at me while I was in my bed . It was Alex on the phone , I don't think I ever ran that fast . Arriving downstairs my mom was waiting for me , holding the phone , smiling . I smiled back
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