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Three On A Couch.

Some years ago my wife Lexy and I had the chance to fullfill her most desired fantasy.
Lexy had wanted to pleasure two men at the same time, and I was more then willing to help her. In fact I set up the hole thing.
Lexy told me about h
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Being a Very Helpful Nurse

When I admitted Philip to the cancer ward at work, we hit it off. There was a connection or chemistry that we found hard to deny.
But nothing could happen I was a Nurse and he was my patient it was un-ethical and un-professional.
I continued
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Are you an animal lover Jen?

When Lord reentered he had a big brown dog with him. The dog was placed before Sarah who immediately started sucking his swollen cock. It was obvious they did it before. Sarah got on all 4 and Kinky helped the dog up on her. Soon they were fuckin
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Final Fantasy Vll

"H-Hello?" muttered a sleepy Cloud.
"Wake up sleepy head," said his girlfriend, the beautiful Tifa Lockheart.
"Oh, he-he-heey," Cloud said as he stifled a yawn.
"I decided to wake you up, the midnight special over in wonder and s
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3-some or not ?

3-some or not

Maybe its time to let my readers find out more about the people in my life . Like my friends , I do have many friends , some close friends , some party friends , well all kinda friends who play a part in my life . In this story
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Fresh Flesh Continues

Fresh Flesh Continues

Well we left off last time with shelly and myself ,im natalie, getting each other off in the bathroom.The geteaway that had been gotten,in a manner of speaking.As shelly and myself got down in the bathroom,we decided to m
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Elaina (Chapter Three)


My sleep was restless all night. I tossed and turned continuously until I couldn't stand it any more. I went down to the kitchen and made myself a hot drink. As I left my room I gla
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